Sunday, March 31, 2013

Aberri Eguna - Basque National Day

Today is the "Aberri Eguna" or "Basque National Day". But, what is "Aberri Eguna?" 

Historical overview of Aberri Eguna:

The first Aberri eguna was celebrated on 27 March, 1932 in Bilbo (Bizkaia south basque country). With the reference of "Easter Rising" in which irish rebels declared unilateral independence from British empire. Different basque pro-independence political parties or organizations (even spanish organizations) have celebrated "Aberri Eguna" along history. 

ETA announced publicly its organization on a Aberri Eguna. There have been represion, fights, strike, party, division etc; during different "Aberri Eguna". Some "Aberri Eguna":


Different cultural and political events, without speech.


An event with different characters of European pro-independence political parites in Donostia (Gipuzkoa south basque country). The slogan was "Euzkadi-Europa".


Tens of thousands of people participated in the event organized in Gasteiz (Araba south basque country). "At last Gasteiz  has been fortunate to see the truth of nationalism; Which is the proclamation that Araba is, Gasteiz is, and alaveses are brothers of guipuzcoanos, navarros and vizcainos; so they are basques and members of Euzkadi"


There were problems to the celebration of this Aberri Eguna in Iruña (Nafarroa south basque country), provoked by the right-wing of Nafarroa and spanish government. The events were mainly cultural and the day changed its name from "Aberri Eguna" to "Euzko Eguna".


The Aberri Eguna was celebrated in all the towns where PNV and other little political parties have presence. Spanish civil war started and basque territories suffered repression.


"Basque Government" celebrate Aberri Eguna in exile, mainly in French state and south America.


Important demonstration in Bilbo (Bizkaia south basque country)


Aberri Eguna celebrated in north basque country. Basque resistence achieved to interrupt the radio and sent a message of the "Lehendakari Agirre" (president of the basque government). Basque flags appear in Portugalete (Bizkaia south basque country).


New message of the "Lehendakari Agirre".


The new "Lehendakari Leizaola" criticizes ETA activism and its publication "Zutik" by the calls of ETA to armed struggle. Enbata, a new movement of north basque country, celebrate the Aberri Eguna in Itsasu (Lapurdi north basque country)


The basque government in exile celebrate the "Aberri Eguna" in Gernika (Bizkaia south basque country). Thousands of people participate in it and Spanish fascist police is overwhelmed.


Aberri Eguna in Bergara (Gipuzkoa south basque country), hundreds of spanish police block the entrance in the village.


The basque government in exile celebrate the Aberri Eguna in Gasteiz (Araba south basque country) and ETA between Irun-Hendaia (frontier between South Basque Country and North Basque Country). Strong repression.  


The basque government in exile celebrate the Aberri Eguna in Iruña (Nafarroa south basque country). state of exception in Bizkaia. Strong repression.


Aberri Eguna in Donostia (Gipuzkoa south basque country), strong repression.


Aberri Eguna organized by ETA and some youth members of PNV.


Aberri Eguna united in Baiona (Lapurdi north basque country): ELA, ETA, Enbata, PNV, Branka, EGI, Anai-Artea and APV.


Division between basque nationalists in the celebration.


The basque government in exile celebrate the Aberri Eguna in Gernika. The "lehendakari Leizaola" appears in undergroud.


Aberri Eguna in Gernika supported by most of basque nationalists. Strong repression, Flemish deputies were arrested and tortured by "Guardia Civil" (they deployes an "Ikurriña").


Aberri Eguna celebrated in the four capitals of south basque country. 100.000 in Bilbo (Bizkaia), 70.000 in Donostia (Gipuzkoa), 40.000 (Iruñea) and 20.000 (in Gasteiz). 

Aberri Eguna celebrated in division. Spanish political parties do not support more the "Aberri Eguna". HB celebrates Aberri Eguna in Iruña and PNV celebrate it institutionally.

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