Friday, March 8, 2013

The complaint of Sabino Cuadra against police archived

According to Ateak Ireki, the judicial complaint that Sabino Cuadra (parliamentary of Amaiur a pro-independence and leftist coalition that represents EA, Abertzale left, Alternatiba and Aralar in spanish parliament) put against a spanish police has been archived.

On 26 of September 2012, during a general strike called by pro-independence trade unions (EHNE, ELA, LAB etc.) there were important incidents in Iruña (Nafarroa south basque country) with spanish police and foral police (Nafarroa regional police). During that incidents, Sabino Cuadra was attacked by a spanish police. When he showed the Parliamentary card the spanish police fled. Sabino denounced him (he tried to identify the police) and now spanish justice have archived the denounce. 

Sabino Cuadra trying to localize the police, Sabino is the red shirt and blue jacket man:

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