Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Nafarroa's parliament calls for the resignation of Yolanda Barcina

Yolanda Barcina and people protesting
The parliament of Nafarroa (south basque country) called yesterday for the resignation of the president of Nafarroa: Yolanda Barcina (member of UPN a right-wing unionist political party). Most of the political parties of Nafarroa approved yesterday the request for resignation: EH Bildu (coalition of pro-independence and leftist political parties), Geroa Bai (coalition of pro-basque culture political parties in Nafarroa), IU (spanish leftists) and PSOE. According to them, Yolanda Barcina should resign after her actuation charging extra salaries using public companies. UPN is implicated in different economic scandals. Only the PP (the political party that governs in spanish state) voted against the call.

The situation of Yolanda Barcina is very weak in Nafarroa: Constant social cuts have mobilized people, the scandal of the disappearance of Nafarroa public bank, corruption, the internal struggle that exists inside UPN etc. Other important leaders of UPN are implicated also in different cases of corruption or economic scandals.

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