Monday, March 4, 2013

Ernai: The new young basque revolutionary organization

On Saturday, more than 1.000 young basques participated in the presentation of the new young organization: "Ernai" (Awake or Alert). In the presentation, there were members of Abertzale Left, Amaiur (coalition of pro-independence political parties in spanish parliament), Bildu, Basque Political Prisoners association and LAB (pro-independence and socialist trade union). 

Ernai is a Basque pro-independence, socialist, feminist and revolutionary youth organization within the Abertzale Left movement which is organized in the Basque Country.

Our Ist Congress took place on 2nd March 2013 in Lizarra (Navarre) as a result of a 6 month-long constitutional process. During this debate process developped from town to town, we all decided on Ernai’s goals, strategy, working areas and how the organization will work. We have analysed the global situation, the current political situation in the Basque Country and also we have defined a Youth Strategy that with which we will achieve our goals.

Goals and activism

Ernai will be a tool for the youth in order to fight for our strategical goal: the Basque Socialist and Feminist State. Our contribution will be to build Gazte Herria (literally Youth’s Land), to fight for a situation in which young people would be free and self-sufficient. Also, by building Gazte Herria we will be taking steps forward regarding feminism and socialism.

Regarding our practice, it will be based on dealing with the issues that youth have to face in our daily lives and also, based on the construction of alternatives and our nation. What’s more, we will focus on training our members on many issues.

We believe that the organization needs to focus on the local and we will build the organization’s whole structure according to their needs. Things like that, regions will be a key element in our way to organize because we believe that we will have the chance to encourage town to keep in touch more frequently and to coordinate common fights. Ernai gathers young people from Navarre, Araba, Biscay and Gipuzkoa eventhough the perspective and strategy are national. However, we will constantly keep in touch with the revolutionary youth from the provinces of Soule, Lowe Navarre and Labour.

Main working areas

The main working area will be the one regardin the construction of new ways of leaving. It will give space for fights related to issues such as the Basque language, feminism, internationalism, socieconomy, formal education, leisure, ecology or member’s training. Also, Ernai is determined to take steps towards the resolution of a long lasting conflict in our land, the Basque Country. We have the responsability to fight in order to achieve a Democratic Framework (our first station) that will ensure the right for self-determination.

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