In this section of the blog, I am going to put all the information about repression, dirty war and armed struggle in basque history.
1. Basque armed groups actions
Members of ETA in a forest |
On 1980, ETA (M) (the main armed organization of basque country)
prepared an attack against guardia civil (spanish military police)
convoy. In this convoy, "guardia civil" were transporting mortars and
grenades. They were moving that material to Lekeitio (Bizkaia south
basque country).
At a bend of the road, ETA militants threw a grenade against the first "Land-Rover". After that, they started a gunfire using assault rifles and SMGs. In the gunfire a militant of ETA (Xabier Gorritxategi) and 6 spanish military police were killed.
They took the material from the vehicles and allowed workers going out. Another militant of ETA died (Goio Olabarria), when was preparing a trap bomb against police (for when they were reviewing the ambush site) in a land rover.
2 Basque militants were killed next days by spanish paramilitary groups. The government delegate of Euskadi was replaced by a militar. Two new special police groups were sent to basque country: GEO (Special operations group) and UAR (rural counterterrorism units). The next months, ETA(M) faced against these police groups.
At that time, spanish government was very worried by Basque country situation where there were different armed groups (ETA (M), ETA (PM), Iraultza, Comandos Autonomos Anticapitalistas, Iparretarrak) and a strong social movement.
1968 was the first year that a militant of ETA
was killed by spanish police and it was also the first time that a
militant of ETA kills a spanish police. But in the same year, in a
planned action, ETA killed an important member of spanish security
forces: Meliton Manzanas
At a bend of the road, ETA militants threw a grenade against the first "Land-Rover". After that, they started a gunfire using assault rifles and SMGs. In the gunfire a militant of ETA (Xabier Gorritxategi) and 6 spanish military police were killed.
They took the material from the vehicles and allowed workers going out. Another militant of ETA died (Goio Olabarria), when was preparing a trap bomb against police (for when they were reviewing the ambush site) in a land rover.
2 Basque militants were killed next days by spanish paramilitary groups. The government delegate of Euskadi was replaced by a militar. Two new special police groups were sent to basque country: GEO (Special operations group) and UAR (rural counterterrorism units). The next months, ETA(M) faced against these police groups.
At that time, spanish government was very worried by Basque country situation where there were different armed groups (ETA (M), ETA (PM), Iraultza, Comandos Autonomos Anticapitalistas, Iparretarrak) and a strong social movement.
![]() |
Meliton Manzanas |
Meliton Manzanas (Donosti 1909-Irun 1968) was a spanish police that in the 2. World War colaborated with Gestapo.
He was a high-ranking police officer in Gipuzkoa (south basque country)
and his work was the repression of any insurgency against spanish
dictatorship. Dozens of basques were tortured personally (some of them
died after being tortured) by Meliton Manzanas. He was member of spanish
political police in Donosti (Gipuzkoa south basque country). He was a
symbol of spanish repression against insurgency (basque
pro-independence, communists, anarchists etc.) in south basque country.
1968, ETA decided to kill him in the operation called "sagarra"
(apple). When he was returning to his home, a militant of ETA shooted
him in front of his door. The attack was claimed in a Belgian
The spanish state, did not expect that attack and declared a state of exception
in Gipuzkoa. 600 basques were arrested by spanish police and military
police. Most of them were tortured in spanish headquearters. In some
towns (like Hernani), spanish military police shooted against
gastronomical societies etc.
2. Repression and dirty war
"Freedom is not negotiable" |
Txabi Etxebarrieta (Bilbo 1944-1968) was the first militant of ETA that
was kill by spanish ocupation forces and the first militant of ETA
killing: He killed a "guardia civil" (spanish militar police) in a
He had asthma and that illness conditionated his life. He studied
economics in university. He was one of the leaders of ETA and he wrote a
lot of text that will help to define which are some main ideas about
basque national liberation movement.
In 1968 south basque country was oppressed by a fascist dictatorship.
ETA, founded in 1958 (oficially in 1959) started a new way of struggle.
In 1937 the last forces of basque country (composed by
pro-independence, basque nationalist, anarchists and communist and
leaded by Basque Nationalist Party) loose in the spanish civil war. In
the next years some guerrillas tried to defeat the dictatorship. Basque
Nationalist Party in 1940's started to support a peaceful strategy. In
the next years this strategy will prove that was a mistake.
ETA, supports a new kind of nationalism (leftist, activist etc.) and
started using armed struggle. Spanish state react with more violence
(torturing, banning, killing etc.) In 1968, Txabi Etxebarrieta and
another militant of ETA were intercepted by Guardia Civil. The car that
they were driving was stolen. Txabi Etxebarrieta shot against one of the
militar police (killing him) and then they escaped. After that, in the
same day in other shooting, spanish militar police killed Txabi
Etxebarrieta after beating him.
This was the beginning of the spiral: Action-Reaction-Action. Next month ETA killed "Meliton Manzanas" a torturer.

He was born in Lekeitio (Bizkaia south basque country) and he studied
medicine in spain (he was doctor). He specialized in pediatrics and
married with Teresa Aldamiz (they had 3 children).
He participated in the creation of first "ikastolak"
(schools where children can study in basque). On 1974 he fled to
iparralde (north basque country) after helping a militant of ETA who was
injured in a gunfire by spanish police. In iparralde, he was related
with important militants of ETA like "Argala". After Francisco Franco's
death, he participated in the creation of "KAS alternative" (where most
of basque movement insurgency was united) and EHAS (a revolutionary and
pro-independence basque political party).
KAS alternative (conditions to give up arms):
1. Amnesty for all Basque political prisoners.
2. Legalisation of all basque pro-independence political parties.
3. Expulsion of all spanish forces from south basque country
4. Improvement of basic living conditions of working classes
5. Self-determination right
6. Provisional autonomy for south basque country
EHAS participated in the foundation of "Herri Batasuna" and Santi
Brouard joined also the coalition. After returning from iparralde, he
continued in politicy and working as pediatrician in Bilbo (bizkaia
south basque country). On 1983, he was imprisoned after singing with
other parliamentarians "Eusko Gudariak" (basque soldier anthem) in front of spanish king.
On 1984, when he was working in his pediatrics office, was killed by
spanish mercenaries members of GAL (a armed organization created by
spanish state to kill basque militants). He was killed the same day (20
of November) that Primo de Rivera and Francico Franco's death.
In protest of his death, there was a general strike in all south basque
country, spanish police forces repressed the general strike and there
were important riots.
A video with images of his funeral:
1984, 4 basque militants of "Comandos Autonomos Anticapitalistas" (Autonomous Anticapitalist Commandos in english) were killed by spanish police.
"Comandos Autonomos Anticapitalistas" were a Basque armed group in South
Basque Country. Some of their militants were ex-members of ETA. They
support marxist and autonomist ideology. They were organized in
different Commandos and each one of them was "independent" from the
On 1984, Rosa Jimeno (militant of Commandos) was arrested by spanish police. After being strongly tortured, they forced her to date with her partner Dionisio. On 1984, fourth youth (members of a Commando) using a boat approached to Pasajes Bay. Police prepared the ambush taking a lot of arms and bulletproof vests. When the militants landed and saw Rosa, they approached to her. Suddenly spanish police blinded them using lights and after that killed two militants shooting them.
After that, spanish police arrested the other 3 militants of Commandos. Then, three secret police appeared and after saying "you are going to die" killed another two militants.113 bullets were found inside of their bodies. No policeman was tried. Families knew that they were dead through mass media.
More information (spanish):
A song made in their honor:
On 1983, Joxean Lasa and Joxi Zabala were kidnapped in Baiona (Lapurdi
north basque country) by GAL. They were of Tolosa (Gipuzkoa south basque
country) and there were refugees in iparralde.
GAL (Grupos Antiterroristas de Liberación-Antiterrorist Liberation
Groups) was an organization created by spanish government and secret
services. Their main objectives were killing ETA militants, north basque
country civilians and Abertzale left members. So, spanish government
wanted to press french government in the participation of repression
against Abertzale left and attack ETA (at that time ETA was very
active). GAL killed dozens of basque militants and civilians. Spanish
goverment used public money to hire mercenaries for the different
On 17 of October (after an attack of ETA), Mariano Martinez (a friend of Lasa and Zabala) found their car opened and empty.
On 18 of October, four spanish police were arrested in Hendaia (Lapurdi
north basque country) for trying kidnapping a basque refugee.
The Guardia civil (spanish military police) tortured them in Donosti (Gipuzkoa south basque country). After being tortured, they were very weakened, so Galindo (a general of guardia civil) ordered to kill them. They were moved to Almeria (south spain), where after after being forced to dig their grave, were executed. The Guardia civil buried them in quicklime.
On 1985, their remains were found but until 1995 they were not identified. When the remains were translated to Tolosa, the Ertzaintza (basque autonomous police) attacked the funeral beating assistants:
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