Thursday, January 10, 2013

The most important demonstration in support of Basque Political Prisoners: January 12

This weekend there is going to be one of the most important demonstration in support of Basque political prisoners in Bilbo (Bizkaia south basque country). Herrira (the main organization of support to basque political prisoners) have asked spanish government to end with the disperssion, isolation of prisoners, and the immediate release of prisoners ill or who have served their sentence.

Hundreds of bus have been organized in different towns and cities of all basque country: 12-13 from north basque country, more than 70 from Nafarroa etc. 

Besides, the demonstration have been supported by different organizations, artists, sportsmen/sportswomen, political parties, unions etc. Some basque soccer players (as Mikel Labaka) that have supported the demonstration, have been pressed by spanish right-media. Furthermore, the demonstration have received support internationaly (Ireland, Spanish state, Catalonia etc.).

Political parties: Abertzale left (Sortu), Aralar, Alternatiba, EA, Eusko Ekintza, Ezker Batua, Euskal Komunistak (basque communists), Gorripidea and Antikapitalistak. Militants of PNV-EAJ are going to be also in the demonstration but the political party do not support it.

10 Students organizations (including Ikasle Abertzaleak) from all the people opressed by spanish state: Basque Country, Galiza, Paisos Catalans, Aragon, Andalucia, Cantabria and Asturies.

Basque unions: LAB, ELA, STEE-EILAS, ESK, EHNE and Hiru. The worlds union federation (FSM-WFTU) also supports the demonstration.

Colette Capdevielle (PS) and Jean Lassalle (MoDem) french deputies.

Catalan 70 guests, some of them: Arcadi Oliveres (Justícia i Pau), Xavier Masllorens and Jordi Armadans (Fundació per la Pau), Vicenç Fisas (Cátedra UNESCO-UAB), Gabriela Serra and Pere Ortega (Centre JM Delàs), Consol Casalas (Dones per Dones), Lluis Llach (singer), Vicent Partal (journalist), Pep Riera (member of a catalan union). 

Catalan parlamentarians and deputies: Carles Campuzano (CIU and in the government of Catalonia), Joan Tarda (ERC), Oriol Junqueras (ERC), Marta Rovira (ERC), Gemma Calvet (ERC), David Fernandez (CUP), Georgina Rieradevall (CUP), Dolors Camats (ICV-EUiA) and David Companyon (ICV-EUiA)

Catalan politicians: Josep-Lluis Carod Rovira (former member of Catalan government), Ernest Maragall, Xavier Vidal, Pere Almeda etc.

Music groups, some of them:  Berri Txarrak, Zea mays, Iheskide Gatillazo, Doctor Deseo, Des-kontrol, Habeas Corpus (Madrid) etc.

Basque writers: Dorleta Urretabizkaia, Fito Rodriguez, Edorta Jimenez, Tere Irastortza, Kirmen Uribe, Joan Mari Irigoien, Ixabel Etxeberria, Pako Aristi, Jon Arretxe, Karmele Jaio, Irati Jimenez, Aitxux Iñarra, Lutxo Egia, Eider Rodriguez, Paddy Rekalde, Xoxe Estevez, Joseba Sarrionandia etc.

And many more...


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