-"I repeat the orders so it are clear" (...) "Enter the alley with all we have, enter to herriko" (...) "And then the situation will be controlled". The "Herriko" is a social pub of people who sympathize with Abertzale left or basque struggle.
After that orders, Ertzaintza anti-riot police used batons and rubber balls against the people who were in the alley. One of them, Iñigo Cabacas, received a rubber ball on his head and died after some days of agony in hospital.
Initially, the police who were there said to their boss that the situation was "controlled". But their boss ordered to attack people despite the words of his subordinates. During that records, it is shown the fact that Ertzaintza attacked despite people was celebrating quietly the football match. Besides, Ertzaintza received the order of attacking the people who was near or inside of Herriko (policial harassment against Abertzale Left). Finally, it is shown that Iñigo Cabacas was injured (and then killed) by a rubber ball shooted by Ertzaintza.
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