At 6.00, one hundred of Ertzainas (basque regional police) appeared in the "Askegune" (free-space) of Donosti (Gipuzkoa south basque country). After sorround the people who were protecting the persecuted youth, police cut all the entrances to the square. Theyneededtwo hours to destroy the "people's wall".
At 6.30, they started to take out of there the supporters that were resisting peacefully while they shout different slogans "Herriak ez du barkatu-The people will not forgive", "Zuena biolentzia nazkagarria-Yours is the nasty violence" or "Iñigo Cabacas gogoan zaitugu-We remember you Iñigo Cabacas" (killed by Ertzaintza on 2012). Some of the supporters were treated violently by Ertzaintza, suffering blows and punches. Police also identified the people who were protesting. Finally, six of the persecuted youth (they are eight) were arrested (Oier Lorente, Mikel Arretxe, Aitor Olaizola, Egoi Alberdi, Adur Otaegi and Ekaitz Ezkerrera). Some media said that another 2 youth were arrested also.
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