Wednesday, April 10, 2013

42 years in prison after incidents

Ertzaintza during a demonstration in Bilbo
According to BilbokoBranka, the authorities are requiring 13 years of jail for two youths and 14 for another youth after the incidents that happened during a general strike on 2012. During that general strike, in front of the court of Bilbo (Bizkaia south basque country) there were incidents between "Ertzaintza" (basque regional police) and demonstrators. Ertzaintza arrested 4 youth, but one was a minor so he was released. They were accused of "public disorder", "attack on the authority" and "damages". The authorities also ask fines of 11.600, 3.300 and 367 euros.

The police tried to arrest some people who were doing paintings. They achieved to arrest one, but people threw stones against them and the police agents withdrew. According to police information, two police agents were injured during that incidents. On June, Ertzaintza arrested the 3 youths that now are being judged.

According to the youth assembly of the neighbourhood, they were arrested for their implication with popular struggle in the city.


  1. fascismo bajo un delgado trapo de democracia

  2. no solamente capitalismo, si no fascismo por el estado
