Tuesday, April 30, 2013
The case against Laura Mintegi filed
Laura Mintegi (main representative of EH Bildu in Euskadi) started to be investigated on March. She was being investigated by spanish authorities for a phrase that she said the parliament: "all the victims that have dead for a politic cause are a tragedy" and that deaths "are avoidable". She was accused of "glorifying terrorism".
Finally, the case has been filed. That kind of investigations are common in south basque country.
The "gaztetxe" of Bakio evicted
According to Topatu, the gaztetxe (a squated building self-managed by an assembly of youth people with different ideologies: anarchists, socialists, pro-independence etc.) of Bakio (Bizkaia south basque country) was evicted the past week.
On 26 of April, Ertzaintza (basque regional police) appeared with the lawyers. Despite they initially had an arrogant attitude, finally they quieted. The next day, Ertzaintza appeared again to evict the "gaztetxe". There were not incidents and after a negotiation with the "owner" (who had a new project for the place) youth assembly take all their things. According to the youth assembly, they are going to continue with their struggle.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Lander Fernandez extradited to Spain
A group of people protecting Lander |
According to naiz, the basque militant Lander Fernandez was finally extradited to Spain the last weekend.
On the morning, Italian police tried to arrest Lander in Rome. A group of 20 police appeared in the house where he was protected by dozens of people (including two lawyers and two parliamentarians). After a negotiation, Lander decided to leave the house with his lawyer. Despite the negotiation (it seems that the Italian minister had not signed the extradition), Italian police extradited him to Spanish state.
Day of Nafarroa: Baigorri
Day of Nafarroa in Baigorri |
Thousands of people participated in the day of Nafarroa in Baigorri (Behe Nafarroa north basque country). Music, dances, people's sports and different events were celebrated in Baigorri. People of different ages and of all basque country approached to Baigorri. The day was organized by the basque association "Basaizea", it was celebrated as a cultural event and as a vindication of Basque identity. According to the member of Basaizea, Mikel, there are not borders between south and north basque country.
1.200 of people participated in the official meal (more people carried their own meal or in pubs). On the morning, the dance groups of Iruña (Nafarroa south basque country), Baigorri and Beasain (Gipuzkoa north basque country) made their demo. On the afternoon, the dance groups of Lizarra (Nafarroa), Otsagabia (Nafarroa) and Urretxu (Gipuzkoa). There were music groups of Iruña, Sakana (Nafarroa), Tutera (Nafarroa), Baztan (Nafarroa) and Leitza (Nafarroa). There were also traditional carnival groups of all basque country, with basque mythological creatures: Mari, Tartalo, Basajaun etc.
Trial against Fernando Sota
Demonstration in Support of Ines del Rio |
According to Ateak Ireki, on 2011, during the "Nafarroa Oinez" (a festival to finance "Ikastolak") in Tafalla (Nafarroa south basque country) a group of people put some flags with the faces of Ines del Rio and Josu Bravo (they are Tafalla's basque political prisoners).
The cameras of the town hall record the people who were putting the flags. According to the authorities, Fernando Sota is one of the people who were putting flags. He is accused of "glorying terrorism" for that flags. The prosecutor require form him 18 months of prison and 10 years of disqualification.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
The website of Ernai closed
According to naiz, the website of Ernai is going to be closed soon. The "Audencia Nacional" (a special court created to fight against basque struggle) ordered yesterday the closing of the website. According to spanish authorities, the website made a tribute to Xabier Lopez (a basque political prisoner who died in french state) and that tribute could be "glorying of terrorism". The court ordered yesterday to spanish police of Nafarroa (south basque country) to investigate the website and close it.
Ernai is the new basque young revolutionary organization. It defines itself as: "Ernai is a Basque pro-independence, socialist, feminist and revolutionary youth organization within the Abertzale Left movement which is organized in the Basque Country."
According to their website, their goals are:
"Ernai will be a tool for the youth in order to fight
for our strategical goal: the Basque Socialist and Feminist State."
contribution will be to build Gazte Herria (literally Youth’s Land), to fight for a situation in which young people would be free and self-sufficient. Also, by building Gazte Herria we will be taking steps forward regarding feminism and socialism."
"Ernai gathers young people from Navarre, Araba, Biscay and
Gipuzkoa eventhough the perspective and strategy are national. However,
we will constantly keep in touch with the revolutionary youth from the
provinces of Soule, Lowe Navarre and Labour."
Friday, April 26, 2013
LAB mobilizations
The next 1 of May LAB (pro-independence and socialist worker union) is going to call different protests, demonstrations and events in different regions. They said that "in this manner we hope to call up more people". According to the communication secretary of LAB, Sonia Gonzalez, the regions are the "natural socioeconomic contexts" and they have called 24 mobilizations in that regions. Besides, is "more easier" for them to collaborate with other organizations with that kind of mobilizations. The slogan: "Fight, uprise and change it"
ELA (the main worker union of south basque country) is going to call their mobilizations apart. Spanish worker unions are going to call demonstrations in the main cities of south basque country.
Sentence against members of ETA in French state
French police after the shooting |
According to naiz, some members of ETA were sentenced yesterday to long years in prison. On 2007, some ETA members identified two men as members of counter-terrorism group of "Guardia Civil" in Capbreton (french state). They were collaborating with french police in their struggle against ETA. After a shooting, the "Guardia Civil" were killed by ETA members who fled after killing them.
Asier Bengoa Lopez was sentenced to 15 years of prison (according to french authorities he did not participate in the shooting). Garikoitz Aspiazu was sentenced to 9 years (despite the fact that the court did not accuse him directly). Ibon Goieaskoetxea (he is not also accused directly) was sentenced to 7 years, Eider Uruburu (she had a sentence of 6 years yet) was sentenced to 5 years and Iratxe Sorzabal was sentenced to 5 years (she has not been captured by french or spanish forces).
Mikel Carrera was sentenced to life imprisonment and Saioa Santxez to 28 years. They are accused of participating directly in the shooting.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Right to marriage in north basque country
Despite the celebration, the groups in favour of equality said that the right to marriage is a victory, but there are still a lot of struggles.
Unemployment continues to rise in Basque Country
The other one of the Eight of Donostia will be imprisoned
Imanol Vicente |
One of the Eight of Donostia (Gipuzkoa south basque country) will be imprisoned. Imanol Vicente is accused of being member of Segi (a pro-independence and socialist basque young's organization), spanish authorities sentenced him (and the others 7) to 6 years of prison. During the policial operation against the "Aske-Gunea" (free space) 6 youth were arrested. Nahikari said yesterday that she will also surrender to the police. They could not be in the "Aske-Gunea" for personal reasons.
There are still hundreds of trials against basque youth militants for their militance in Segi or other basque young's organizations.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
General Strike
"For that reasons, we ask a radical change on public policy priorities". "We ask to the institutions (basque institutions) to not apply state imposed measures".
They have also asked universal public services, decent employment, social services etc. They are writting a document called "Letter of Social Rights of Basque Country". According to them, the general strike is the first step to join forces of basque people and creating a new model for Basque Counstry based on the respect of social rights, social justice and labor rights.
Workers unions:
ELA (the biggest worker union of south basque country), LAB (pro-independence and socialist), CNT (anarchists), ESK (split of spanish CCOO), STEE-EILAS (teachers of south basque country), EHNE (farmers and ranchers of basque country) and HIRU (transporters).
Social organizations:
Ikasle Abertaleak (students union, pro-independence and leftist), Bilgune Feminista (feminists), Askapena (internalionalist organization), assembly of unemployed of Bizkaia/Gipuzkoa, Renta Basica Universal taldea, Sare Antifaxista (antifascist of basque country), SOS Racismo-SOS Arrazakeria (association against racism), assembly of unemployed of Iruña, AHT Gelditu etc.
Offense against a dead militant
The commemorative plate is in tribute of Iñaki Ormaetxea Antepara. Iñaki Ormaetxea was a militant of ETA who (according to spanish authorities) was killed after a shooting on 1991 against special agents of "Guardia Civil" (spanish military police).
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Naia Lacroix released
According to french authorities, Naia Lacroix was linked with some direct actions against capitalist interests in North basque country. The campaign of attacks were signed with "Euskal Herria Ez da Salgai-The Basque Country is not on sale". During her imprisonment, she started a hunger striker to denounce the situation of isolation in which she was.
New basque organization: Eleka
A new basque organization was founded the past week in Portugalete (Bizkaia south basque country): Eleka.
They are inside of "Abertzale Left" and they have the aim of promoting communist culture in Basque Country. They have "the aim of promoting critical consciousness, political militancy and the power to organize of workers". Their priority is going to be the
ideological preparation. So they are preparing "popular schools", speechs, activities etc. The first activities are going to be made in Donostia (Gipuzkoa south basque country) and Bilbo (Bizkaia south basque country).
ideological preparation. So they are preparing "popular schools", speechs, activities etc. The first activities are going to be made in Donostia (Gipuzkoa south basque country) and Bilbo (Bizkaia south basque country).
They support the independence and socialism. They have also talked about other basque militants that were inside of that political tradition: Txabi Etxebarrieta (ETA militant killed by Guardia Civil), Jose Miguel Beñaran Argala (ETA militant killed by spanish secret services) etc.
During the presentation of the organization there were members of Sortu (pro-independence and socialist), LAB (pro-independence and socialist workers union) and Askapena (basque internationalists).
Michel Dominguez, former member of GAL arrested

In the past, Michel Domingues was a spanish police and member of GAL. He participated in different attacks against basque militants using bombs and guns. GAL was a parapolicial group very active in the 80's. They killed dozens of basque militants using bombs and shootings.
One of the Eight of Donostia will surrender to the police this week

Nahikari Otaegi has decided to surrender to the police this week. She decided to not be in the "Aske Gune" (free-space) of Donostia for personal reasons. She has a son of 3 years and a daughter of 7 months. She sais that she will enter in the prison "proudly" of her political work.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Aske Gunea: Videos
A journalist attacked by Ertzaintza (basque regional police) during the arrests:
People resisting
Fine for not serving policemen in a pub
Stock photo: An ertzaina |
According to Sare Antifaxista, the owner of a pub in Gernika (Bizkaia south basque country) must pay a fine of 155 euros for not serving policemen.
The past 18 of March, an agent of Ertzaintza (basque regional police) appeared in the pub. The owner said that he does not serve "to uniformed with guns". According to the court, it is not the first time that similar events occur in the pub, so it can be (always according to the court) "a campaign against the agents".
The owner of the pub said that "guns" will produce a nervousness that prevent him from working.
Different protests after the arrests of Donostia
In Donostia (Gipuzkoa south basque country), four basque militants were arrested by Ertzaintza (basque regional police) when they put chains in one of the streets for cut the traffic. In other neighbourhood of Donostia, Ertzaintza removed different banners and chains that were cutting the traffic.
In Erriberabeitia (Araba south basque country) another group sabotaged the train service cutting the material. Besided, they throwed pamphlets against Ertzaintza.
In different towns of Basque Country, "Batzokis" were painted by groups of people, protesting against the violent actuation of Ertzaintza during the arrests.
There were also demonstrations in Iruña, Donostia, Lizarra, Martutene (the prison were the youth were moved after the arrests) etc.
Homophobic attack in Iruña
The two youth (18 years old) were kissing in the main square of Iruña. Another 3 young appeared (between 16-19 years old) and attacked them. They also insulted them. Because of the beating, they were moved to the health care.
Solidarity from Madrid attacked by spanish police

Friday, April 19, 2013
Mocion of censure against Barcina
However, PSOE (or PSN in Nafarroa) decided to support Yolanda's government abstaining in the vote (surely that decision was taken in Madrid). Curiously they also asked the resignation of Yolanda Barcina.If PSOE-PSN would have voted in favour of the motion of censure, Yolanda Barcina would be out of the government. Yolanda Barcina and her political party (UPN) is linked with different economical scandals. UPN members showed a photograph in which appear different members of EH Bildu with an Ikurriña (basque flag) requiring the resignation of Barcina and independence: "You want independence, prisoners and a united Basque Country. You will not cheat us". The leader of PSOE-PSN said that they are not going to collaborate with EH Bildu by their attitude with ETA violence and their important differences with Nafarroa institutional model (unite it with Euskadi).
A group of people protested out of the Nafarroa's parliament. They required the resignation of Yolanda Barcina. There were moments of tension with foral police (Nafarroa regional police).
Arrested six youth in Donostia
Thursday, April 18, 2013
A Night at Aske Gunea
Update: According to Basque Info, dozens of police vehicles have been seen on their way to Donostia (Gipuzkoa south basque country). Check points are being set up at the entrance of the city.
Yesterday, several vans of the Basque police came to
Aske Gunea (the Free Space) in order to arrest the 8 youths who have
recently been sentenced to lengthy prison terms. They came twice during
the night, first at 00:30 and again at 4:00
On both occassions, our alarm went off and the people
gathered quickly around the sentenced youths to prevent their arrest.
As much as 500 people peacefully confronted the police, sitting on the
ground and holding each other’s arms. In the end, the police gave up and
During these tense moments, a spokesperson grabbed
the microphone and repeated the message we have been spreading this
week: we will defend our youths at all times by resorting to peaceful
but firm civil disobidience.
We want to renew our call to the Basque Nationalist
Party (PNV/EAJ): “This is a sincere invitation to join this People’s Wall. We call
on you not to send the Basque Autonomous Police against our youths. Do
not use the Basque Police to enforce unjust laws which the Spanish
Government imposes on us and to arrest our youths” We are in a new time
and everyone’s contribution is more necessary than ever for a peaceful
solution to the Basque political conflict.
In Aske Gunea, we are awaiting Mr Urkullu’s
response, but the web has already spoken. Yesterday night,
#urkulluezbidaliertzaintza (Don’t send the police against us) became a
trending topic in all Basque-language social media. We think that most
Basque citizens agree with us and are supportive of our struggle. In
this new time of no violence, no-one should be jailed for their
political work.
Around noon, we have received information about more
police vans moving around the town. According to our reports, as much as
12 police vans have been seen heading for Donostia.
More information:
E-mail: askegunea@hotmail.com
Ander: (00 34) 660 830 912
Beñat: (00 34) 615 721 373
Live information of what’s going on at Aske Gunea:
Twiter: @askeguneaeng
Aske Gunea Communication Team
People's protection avoids the arrest of the eight of Donostia
According to naiz, the "people's wall" has prevented the arrest of the eight of Donostia (Gipuzkoa south basque country). Hundreds of people (specially young people) slept yesterday with the persecuted young in a square of Donostia.
At 00:00, several vans of Ertzaintza (basque regional police) appeared with lights turn on and sirens. After moments of tension, Ertzaintza decided to withdraw. At 04:00, Ertzaintza tried again to arrest the persecuted youth but people's protection avoid the arrest again. According to the persecuted youth, it has been an act of provocation and they have also thanked the support that they are receiving. Ernai and Ikasle Abertzaleak have called different mobilizations in protest of the situation.
Iker Rodrigo released
![]() |
Iker Rodrigo when he was arrested |
Iker Rodrigo (a militant of Sortu arrested after the last goodbye to the basque political prisoner Xabier Lopez) have been released. He is accused of organize an event in tribute of Xabier Lopez. The spanish "Audencia Nacional" (a special court created to fight against basque struggle) has imposed him some measures: He must sign montly in a court, he can not go to other countries and if the court call him he must appear. After the arrest, spanish authorities anounced that they investigating Sortu to outlaw the political party.
Action of Askapena against the occupation of sahara
Bilbo yesterday |
Askapena (a basque internationalist organization) called yesterday a protest in Bilbo (Bizkaia south basque country) in front of the Moroccan consulate. They have required the release of all political prisoners of world. Hundreds of people participated in the demonstration.
During the protest, two militants of Askapena used ropes to climb the building. According to Askapena, there were moments of tension with the people that is inside of the building (they tried to take the banner). Finally, Ertzaintza (basque regional appeared) and identified some of the participants in the protest. Askapena denounced yesterday "the situation of disperssion, abuse and human rights lack" that Saharaui prisoners suffer.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Picketers of Iruña against repression
At the present time, there are different trials against picketers in south basque country. During the last two years, basque trade unions and social organizations have called different general strikes due to the social situation.
General strike (maybe on 30th May)
The general strike is going to be called when unemployment continues rising, social cuts are the policy of the different governments (Euskadi's, Nafarroa's and Spanish), economical scandals shakes Nafarroa etc.
Spanish Military in Zorroaga
Stock photo: Soldiers in Donosti |
Recently, the town hall of Donosti (Gipuzkoa south basque country) governed by EH Bildu (coalition of pro-independence and leftist political parties) have denounced the presence of spanish military in Zorroaga (a neighborhood of Donosti).
Residents of the neighborhood called to the town hall, worried by the presence of 50 soldiers with machine guns in the streets. The town hall have showed their rejection to the presence of military in Donosti and according to them "any reason" justifies their presence inside the city.
It is not the first time that spanish army makes provocative acts in the Basque Country. Some months ago, they put a spanish flag in Gorbea (a mountain of Bizkaia in south basque country). In other countries like Catalonia, the spanish navy forced catalan fishers to use the spanish flags in their ships.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Basque Info: Eight of Donostia
Source: https://www.facebook.com/basqueinfo?fref=ts
Statement released this morning:
Eight Donostia/San Sebastian youths have been sentenced in Madrid to six years in jail and today, Tuesday 16th April, an arrest warrant has been issued against them. They could be arrested any time now. What’s the reason to sentence them to such prison terms? Quite simply, for having been members of the Basque pro-independence youth organization Segi. The sentence states “membership of terrorist organization.” The only evidences produced against them were CD’s, t-shirts, books and posters. They want to imprison them for their political work.
Most of the youths denounced before the judge that they had been tortured while held in incommunicado detention and had been forced to sign self-incrimination statements. 20 months later they were released on bail after paying thousands of euros. Now that the final judgement has been passed they want to imprison them. Before them many more young people have been imprisoned for the same reason in the Basque Country. The Spanish authorities have the will to continue doing so. Nowadays there are more than 200 people awaiting trial in the Basque Country for being members of community and political organizations. That this happens in a 21st century state it’s an absolute outrage.
There are many people in our country who think that this is an unacceptable injustice and we have decide to say enough is enough. It’s not fair that so many young people are being stolen such precious years of their lives and that so much pain is being inflicted upon their loved ones for the only reason of their political beliefs. In a press conference these youths said they won’t accept this sentence and that they won’t go into hiding, that they don’t have done anything to hide of.
For the time being we have decided to build a “people’s wall” and we have created Aske Gunea (The Free Space). Since the judgement was released last week the eight youth are there during the day, surrounded by hundreds of people. At 8.30am every morning 100 people come to their homes, holding hands, forming a “people’s wall” to help them to Aske Gunea.
We have organised a full programme of activities for the people to come and take part such as gigs, workshops, films, talks...In the evening we take all down and at 8pm helped by hundreds of people we help the eight youths to their homes. When the police come for them we intend to peacefully resist by holding arms strongly around them. We all will join forces to prevent they take away our youths.
From day to day there are more and more of us joining the people’s wall. We encourage everybody to join us. What was supposed to be a feeling of defeat it’s being transformed into strength and eagerness! Come and see with your own eyes what most of the mass media is not telling you. We’ll stay strong. We need everybody’s help.
The Donostia Eight:
Mikel Arretxe. 1985. Egia area. He lives in Hernani. He was previously in jail for 2 years for a similar frame-up case. He was released and one year later he was arrested and brutally tortured. He has a girlfriend. He’s currently working. Sentenced to ix years in prison for his political ideas.
Imanol Vicente. 1986. Amara Berri area. Spinning instructor. He has a girlfriend. Sentenced to ix years in prison for his political ideas.
Naikari Otaegi. 1983. Amara Zaharra area. She has a boyfriend and one 7 month-old baby girl and one 3 years-old boy. Sentenced to six years in prison for her political ideas.
Egoi Alberdi. 1988. Amara Zaharra area. He’s currently working. He has a girlfriend. He was brutally tortured at the time of his arrest. Sentenced to ix years in prison for his political ideas.
Aitor Olaizola. 1983. Alde Zaharra area. He works in a bar. He has a girlfriend. Sentenced to six years in prison for his political ideas.
Adur Fernandez. 1985. Altza area. He lives in the Gros area. He has a girlfriend. He works in an organic farm co-op. Sentenced to six years in prison for his political ideas.
Oier Lorente. 1982. Alde Zaharra area. He works as a bus driver and in Orixe Ikastola Basque language medium school’s cantine. He lives with his girlfriend. Sentenced to six years in prison for his political ideas.
Ekaitz Ezkerra. 1986. Loiola area. He lives in Hernani with his girlfriend. He’s currently working. He was tortured during 5 days while held in incommunicado detention. Sentenced to six years in prison for his political ideas.
Ekaitz Ibero. 1986. Loiola area. He lives in the Antiguo area. He was acquitted in the same case but took part from the beginning in Aske Gunea because he had already been sentenced in another case. He was tortured and forced to sign a self-incriminating statement for taking part in the burning of a bus. During the trial he had an anxiety attack when he saw one of the policemen who tortured him. He went underground for two months only to turn up at Aske Gunea’s first day. He was arrested the following day. Those who tried to prevent the arrest peacefully were attacked by the police and many were injured and taken to the hospital.
Statement released this morning:
Eight Donostia/San Sebastian youths have been sentenced in Madrid to six years in jail and today, Tuesday 16th April, an arrest warrant has been issued against them. They could be arrested any time now. What’s the reason to sentence them to such prison terms? Quite simply, for having been members of the Basque pro-independence youth organization Segi. The sentence states “membership of terrorist organization.” The only evidences produced against them were CD’s, t-shirts, books and posters. They want to imprison them for their political work.
Most of the youths denounced before the judge that they had been tortured while held in incommunicado detention and had been forced to sign self-incrimination statements. 20 months later they were released on bail after paying thousands of euros. Now that the final judgement has been passed they want to imprison them. Before them many more young people have been imprisoned for the same reason in the Basque Country. The Spanish authorities have the will to continue doing so. Nowadays there are more than 200 people awaiting trial in the Basque Country for being members of community and political organizations. That this happens in a 21st century state it’s an absolute outrage.
There are many people in our country who think that this is an unacceptable injustice and we have decide to say enough is enough. It’s not fair that so many young people are being stolen such precious years of their lives and that so much pain is being inflicted upon their loved ones for the only reason of their political beliefs. In a press conference these youths said they won’t accept this sentence and that they won’t go into hiding, that they don’t have done anything to hide of.
For the time being we have decided to build a “people’s wall” and we have created Aske Gunea (The Free Space). Since the judgement was released last week the eight youth are there during the day, surrounded by hundreds of people. At 8.30am every morning 100 people come to their homes, holding hands, forming a “people’s wall” to help them to Aske Gunea.
We have organised a full programme of activities for the people to come and take part such as gigs, workshops, films, talks...In the evening we take all down and at 8pm helped by hundreds of people we help the eight youths to their homes. When the police come for them we intend to peacefully resist by holding arms strongly around them. We all will join forces to prevent they take away our youths.
From day to day there are more and more of us joining the people’s wall. We encourage everybody to join us. What was supposed to be a feeling of defeat it’s being transformed into strength and eagerness! Come and see with your own eyes what most of the mass media is not telling you. We’ll stay strong. We need everybody’s help.
The Donostia Eight:
Mikel Arretxe. 1985. Egia area. He lives in Hernani. He was previously in jail for 2 years for a similar frame-up case. He was released and one year later he was arrested and brutally tortured. He has a girlfriend. He’s currently working. Sentenced to ix years in prison for his political ideas.
Imanol Vicente. 1986. Amara Berri area. Spinning instructor. He has a girlfriend. Sentenced to ix years in prison for his political ideas.
Naikari Otaegi. 1983. Amara Zaharra area. She has a boyfriend and one 7 month-old baby girl and one 3 years-old boy. Sentenced to six years in prison for her political ideas.
Egoi Alberdi. 1988. Amara Zaharra area. He’s currently working. He has a girlfriend. He was brutally tortured at the time of his arrest. Sentenced to ix years in prison for his political ideas.
Aitor Olaizola. 1983. Alde Zaharra area. He works in a bar. He has a girlfriend. Sentenced to six years in prison for his political ideas.
Adur Fernandez. 1985. Altza area. He lives in the Gros area. He has a girlfriend. He works in an organic farm co-op. Sentenced to six years in prison for his political ideas.
Oier Lorente. 1982. Alde Zaharra area. He works as a bus driver and in Orixe Ikastola Basque language medium school’s cantine. He lives with his girlfriend. Sentenced to six years in prison for his political ideas.
Ekaitz Ezkerra. 1986. Loiola area. He lives in Hernani with his girlfriend. He’s currently working. He was tortured during 5 days while held in incommunicado detention. Sentenced to six years in prison for his political ideas.
Ekaitz Ibero. 1986. Loiola area. He lives in the Antiguo area. He was acquitted in the same case but took part from the beginning in Aske Gunea because he had already been sentenced in another case. He was tortured and forced to sign a self-incriminating statement for taking part in the burning of a bus. During the trial he had an anxiety attack when he saw one of the policemen who tortured him. He went underground for two months only to turn up at Aske Gunea’s first day. He was arrested the following day. Those who tried to prevent the arrest peacefully were attacked by the police and many were injured and taken to the hospital.
Maite Diaz de Heredia released
Maite Diaz de Heredia was arrested on 2001 in a policial operation against pro-amnisty movement. On 2005 she was released after paying a bail. But on 2007, she was arrested again in Segura (Gipuzkoa south basque country) in other policial operation. At that time, she was accused of being member of Batasuna (a pro-independence and socialist political party outlawed in spanish state).
She has not been still judged by her membership in Batasuna. But yes for her membership in "pro-amnisty movement": (2001-2005 and 2007-2013)
Iñigo Cabacas case: Recordings of communications
-"I repeat the orders so it are clear" (...) "Enter the alley with all we have, enter to herriko" (...) "And then the situation will be controlled". The "Herriko" is a social pub of people who sympathize with Abertzale left or basque struggle.
After that orders, Ertzaintza anti-riot police used batons and rubber balls against the people who were in the alley. One of them, Iñigo Cabacas, received a rubber ball on his head and died after some days of agony in hospital.
Initially, the police who were there said to their boss that the situation was "controlled". But their boss ordered to attack people despite the words of his subordinates. During that records, it is shown the fact that Ertzaintza attacked despite people was celebrating quietly the football match. Besides, Ertzaintza received the order of attacking the people who was near or inside of Herriko (policial harassment against Abertzale Left). Finally, it is shown that Iñigo Cabacas was injured (and then killed) by a rubber ball shooted by Ertzaintza.
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