Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sortu: The new political party of Abertzale Left

The new political party of Abertzale left has been launched today in Iruña (Nafarroa south basque country).

The first congress of Sortu has ratified a resolution of international situation and another about the Basque Country. The main strategy of Sortu is going to be based in strategical alliances, "a national popular front in favour of independence with different" people. The alliances of last years (Bildu, Amaiur etc.) and more are going to be created in support of the "right to decide".

Sortu have also supported the creation of new social and political conditions. According to the, to achieve these conditions is necessary the struggle and the organization of people. "We want a revolution" they have said: National and social revolution.

They have also asked a context without violence, exceptional measures (outlawings etc.) or attacks.

Hasier Arraiz (the photo on top) has been elected as the first president of Sortu. Arnaldo Otegi (he is in prison) has been elected as the party General Secretary.

Hasier Arraiz, is from Gasteiz (Araba south basque country), he studied  Romance Philology, he was member of Jarrai (an outlawed basque young revolutionary organization), HB (a political party of Abertzale left in the past) and he was imprisoned for 2 years and half in spanish state.

The other charges of the organization are for: Idoia Aiastui (organization), Juan Joxe Petrikorena (comunication), Marisa Alejandro (economy), Maite Ubiria (international relationships), Marije Fullaondo (mass struggle), Iosu Lizarralde (ideological struggle), Joseba Permach (institutional struggle), Rufi Etxeberria (conflict solution) and Amaia Izko-Pernando Barrena-Xabi Larralde (spokesmen-spokeswomen).

The responsibles of zones:  Jean Francois Lefort (north basque country), Txus Martinez (Araba), Joxean Agirre (Gipuzkoa), Juan Kruz Aldasoro (Nafarroa) and Maribi Ugarteburu (Bizkaia).

In the congress there have been different representatives of Kurdish, Colombian Sahara and Palestine resistence.

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