Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The new political party of Abertzale left: Sortu

Sortu members
The process of Sortu, is going to finish. The Abertzale Left political party (Batasuna) was dissolved on January and on February 22 the new political party that is going to represent Abertzale Left is going to start operating. According to them, thousands of militants have participated in the debates during all the process. 

The last years, the political parties that were linked with Abertzale Left were outlawed in south basque country by spanish authorities. Dozens of their militants were arrested and imprisoned. 

Here the new, taken from Basque Peace Process web: http://www.basquepeaceprocess.info/?p=5915

The members of SORTU Hasier Arraiz and Joseba Alvarez have presented the foundational congress of the formation, as well as other initiatives that will take place around it.

On February 22nd, taking advantage of the wide international representation that will come to the Congress there will be held an International Conference that will deal with “Current Conflict Resolution”. In the conference they will speak about the resolution processes that are being developed in different points on the planet. The objective is to know the details of diverse unresolved conflicts and the experiences that are being developed for their resolution.

On February 23rd, the first congress of SORTU will take place, which will be the foundational congress. The congress will be held in the Baluarte of Iruñea and close to 450 representatives from local assemblies will participate.

At the congress there will also be dozens of diverse political, trade union and social agents, institutional representatives and international delegates.

At the congress a complete balance will be made about the creation of SORTU and the presentations of the Ideological Bases, Political Line and Organizational and Functional Model will be ratified. Finally, and to close the congress, the National Council of Sortu will be presented.

In the afternoon their will be a public political act in which special relevance will be given to the contributions of thousands of militants of SORTU, immersed in different struggles, since at the same time these militants will be the true protagonists of the work and struggle of SORTU.

In the same way, in the act they will represent the activity that as a political tool SORTU will develop, taking the National Democratic Revolution as a main point.

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