This post is a personal comment about the news that I have posted in my blog. The words in red are linked with different posts of the 2012. Unfortunately, I can not write about all the topics that have been important during 2012 for my poor English level.

The peace process has been blocked by the governments. In all the basque country, spanish government and french government have not taken steps with basque political prisoners: The dispersion of basque prisoners have inflicted new accidents, there have been aggressions against basque prisoners or their relatives, prisoners with serious illnesses (cancer etc.) continues in prison (the case of Iosu Uribetxeberria is a good example of spanish politic), the daily humiliations that prisoners suffer etc. Although there are a lot of demonstrations, events and actions in favour of basque prisoners rights.
The arrests have continued in french state, spanish state and abroad. Different militants suspected of being members of ETA have been arrested, the repressive policy against basque young movement have continued in spanish state and french state. The arrest of Aurore Martin and her extradition to spanish state caused important reactions in north basque country (uniting pro-independence political parties and creating contradictions in french political parties). Finally, she was released after important demonstrations and collecting money in iparralde to pay the bail.
Except the bodyguards, the rest of military and police forces continue in basque country. In early 2012 Ertzaintza (basque regional police) killed Iñigo Cabacas. Despite the protests, no ertzaina has been judged and the interior minister of Basque Country has gone unpunished. Although police violence has not reached the levels of other years it has continued with harassment against basque pro-independence political parties, police controls, dozens of attacks etc. During general strikes in south basque country, the police charges against people have caused dozens of injured people, including the shameful case of Xuban Nafarrate. Besides, police goes unpunished of their violent actions against people.
The new strategy of pro-independence political parties of binding, has institutionally strengthened the situation of pro-independence movement.
Basque pro-independence and leftist political parties have continued in the way of peace with different statements about victims, events etc. The basque armed organization ETA as said, has made no attack. There have been some sabotages in south basque country (although there have been very few and "guardia civil" arrested some people supposedly linked with it). In north basque country, in late 2012, there have been two actions signed with the slogan "Euskal Herria ez dago salgai"-"The basque country is not on sale". In the past, different groups have used that slogan. Although I do not have a lot of information about that.
In south basque country, the cuts in social services, healthcare and education system have been a constant nightmare for people (especially in Nafarroa). As a result of this economic and social situation, there have been 3 general strike. Basque main unions (ELA-LAB-ESK-Hiru-EHNE etc.) and anarchists unions (CNT-CGT) were the most mobilized during all the year. Police repression was strong during that days, with dozens of arrests in south basque country and with a lot of people injured by rubber balls and batons. Besides, direct actions and sabotages increased during general strikes.
Other social movements suffered also repression. In Nafarroa, thousands of people have marched and protested along all the year against the measures of spanish government and Nafarroa government. Causing the reaction of spanish unionism in Nafarroa that see their position threatened. The students mobilizations have been important and some of them were also attacked by spanish police.
Capitalism has severely beaten basque society (and other countries) during 2012. The drama of evictions have caused the death of Amaia Egaña and Juan Manuel Fernandez . The reaction to that issue has achieved some small victories but it is a resistence movement.
In general, basque trade unions and social organizations have increased their mobilization capacity. New social organizations have been created and other ones like "Ikasle Abertzaleak" or "Herri Ekimena" have increased their strength. Spanish trade unions (CC.OO and UGT) have also increased their mobilizations.
However, cuts continue in all public systems. Economic power (bank, European Union, IMF etc.) determines police. Unemployment rises in all the basque country (especially among young people and immigrants). The pro-independence and socialist movement have not yet articulated a strong response to that power. Some political parties as UPyD asked the remove of autonomies and PP has flirted with racism to get votes.
Although French government have changed (now the PSF is in the government), Iparralde is not recognized as a department. All the pro-independence political parties in north basque country and members of basque PSF-UMP have asked Paris for a new institucional structure for Iparralde. Pro-independence political parties think that with the new institucional structure, the basque country approaches to independence.
Nevertheless, the French government has responded with ambiguities or negative. The arrest of Aurore Martin was a way of showing to basque people which is the position of french government with basque issue. The french state is highly centralized and refuses to recognize the different people (Basque, Corsicans, Bretons etc.). Practicing a policy of assimilation in north basque country: Few jobs for young people, alegality for basque language (Euskara) etc. Besides, collaborates with spanish state against basque struggle arresting and imprisoning members of different basque national movement liberation organizations.
But that policy, can have the opposite effect. Almost north basque country (pro-independence and unionists) have asked french government for a department. The negative of that, can increase basque identity and pro-independence movement force (now all the pro-independence political parties are united) in iparralde. Moreover, creating contradictions inside PSF and UMP local counciliors.
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