Euskadi parliament |
PNV/EAJ (Basque Nationalist Party) won yesterday elections in Euskadi (Gipuzkoa, Araba and Bizkaia) with 383.565 votes. Although they have achieved victory, they loose 16.000 votes respect to the last elections. They
now have 27 parliamentarians in Euskadi's parliament (absolute majority is in 38).
EH Bildu (a coalition of pro-independence and leftist political parties) is in the second place with 276.989 votos and 21 parliamentarians. In this coalition there are different political parties:
Abertzale left (outlawed in the last years),
Aralar (a escision of Abertzale left on 2000),
EA (a escision of PNV on 1986) and Alternatiba (a escision of
In Gipuzkoa, most of votes were for EH Bildu and the second place is for PNV/EAJ. In Bizkaia, PNV/EAJ has won and the second place is for EH Bildu. In Araba, where spanish unionism is stronger, PNV/EAJ has also won and EH Bildu is in the second place. Therefore, the Basque parliament has two thirds occupied with parliamentarians in favor of self-determination or independence.
Candidates |
PSE-EE (section of PSOE) has achieved 211.939 votes (they lose 106.000 votes and 9 parliamentarians respect 2009 elections). In last elections, taking advantage of banning Abertzale left, they made a pact with PP and governed Euskadi. In these three years, they made social cuts and increased repression against basque culture and insurgency.
PP has achieved 129.907 votes. They lose 16.200 votes and three parliamentarians. UPyD (unionist party) achieved 21.492 votes (losing 741 votes). Besides,
IU section of Euskadi has not achieved parliamentarians, so their leader (Mikel Arana) has resigned.
The spanish unionism is weakened and PNV/EAJ must choose between EH Bildu and PSE-EE to govern. Next elections are going to be in Nafarroa, where spanish unionism (UPN, PP and PSN) is stronger than pro-independence movement. But in last years, basque pro-independence and pro-basque culture political parties (Geroa Bai and Bildu) have gained votes.
Some photos:
Inigo Urkullu leader of PNV/EAJ |
Laura Mintegi main candidate of EH Bildu |
EH Bildu supporters |
Voting |
Antonio Basagoiti (main candidate of PP) |
Patxi Lopez (candidate of PSE) and people protesting |
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