Attack against a basque political prisoner family, more repression and spanish fascist
According to Etxerat, Enara Rodriguez (sister of a basque political prisoners) has been attacked in the road when she was returning of visiting her brother. When she was driving, a car knocked her car and after having an "accident" two men approached to her car. They beated and threatened with raping. They said that they were spanish police and gave herfive minutesto flee.
Yesterday, in total were 4 arrested by foral police. When friends, supporters and relatives protested for these arrest foral police appeared to identify them. LAB (a basque pro-independence trade union) denounced that spanish government and UPN (Nafarroa unionist political party) are trying to hide police repression arresting youth. t:
Spanish fascist are preparing their demonstration for 12 of October. Fascist paintings appeared yesterday in Gasteiz and Oiartzun threatening people. A video with the protest:
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