Thursday, October 4, 2012

Elections in Euskadi and a basque journalist judged

Tomorrow begins the elections in Euskadi. Remember that Basque country is divided in three different administrations: Bizkaia/Araba/Gipuzkoa (Euskadi south basque country), Nafarroa (south basque country) and Lapurdi/Baxe Nafarroa/Xiberua (Iparralde north basque country).

Four big political parties are going to compete in this elections: EH Bildu, EAJ-PNV, PP and PSE-EE. In the last elections Abertzale Left was outlawed so that spanish political parties (PP and PSE) have ruled Euskadi the last years. But nowadays, Abertzale left is legal and it is inside of EH Bildu coalitions.

EH Bildu: EH Bildu is a coalition formed by EA, Abertzale left, Aralar and Alternatiba political parties. This coalition is pro-independence and leftist. Their main objetives are going to be advance in basque country sovereignty (pro-independence) and stop cuts imposed by Madrid's government. Their candidate for president is Laura Mintegi.

EAJ-PNV: EAJ-PNV is a moderate nationalist basque political party. After Franco's death this party ruled Euskadi for years. But when Abertzale left was outlawed, the coalition of spanish political parties "won" the elections. Their objetives are advance in basque country sovereignty as an autonomous community inside of spanish state. Their economic politics are neoliberal and in the past they have had the support of PP. Their candidate for president is Inigo Urkullu.

PSE-EE: PSE is an unionist and social democrat political party. In the last years, their economic politics were neoliberal. They achieved for first time Euskadi government in the last elections (when Abertzale left was outlawed) collaborating with PP. Repression (Iñigo Cabacas death etc.) and neoliberal politics have weakened their support. Their candidate for president is Patxi Lopez.

PP: PP is an unionist and right-wing political party. Their politics are racist, anti-basque, neoliberal etc. They are loosing support in all spanish state by the cuts that Mariano Rajoy (president of spain and leader of PP) is making. Their candidate for president is Antonio Basagoiti.

Antton Etxeberri
Antton Etxeberri, journalist and director of "Le Journal du Pays Basque" is going to be judged today. "Le Journal du Pays Basque" is a pro-independence newspaper (linked with "Gara" in south basque country) in iparralde.

A journalist of "Sud Ouest" has denounced Antton for defamation. The journalist of "Sud Ouest" wrote a racist article in his newspaper, after that "Le Journal du Pays Basque" published another article of opinion against the other racist article. Now, the journalist have denounced Antton for publishing that anti-racist article of opinion.

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