EH Bildu (pro-independence and leftist coalition) critized last arrests in French state. Spanish interior minister, have threatened EH Bildu with outlawing by the last words of Laura Mintegi (leader of EH Bildu).
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Manuel Valls against north basque country department and protests in Burlata
Manuel Valls (french interior minister) talked yesterday about north basque country department. The Departament is a status (where three north basque country can be united and decide about some competencies) is a historical revindication of abertzale people (seeing it as the first step in the way of full independence). In last years, other political parties have supported that revindication in north basque country (local UMP and PSF counciliors etc.).
Manuel Valls |
Some weeks ago, "iparralde" (north basque country) political representatives met with french government to talk about the department: Link to that new
Yesterday, french interior minister said that there is not going to be a "basque administrative structure" in north basque country.
According to him, ETA must dissolve and surrender their weapons if "iparralde" wants achieve a new administrative status. Besides, he also said that dispersion with basque political prisoners will end after ETA dissolution. He also said that they support spanish government in their fight against Basque National Liberation Movement.
North basque country political parties have shown their rejection to these words.
Protests continues in Burlata (Nafarroa south basque country) against the last arrests against Izaskun and Joseba.
Izaskun and Joseba are now isolated in french police headquarters.
Protests in Burlata |
Monday, October 29, 2012
Arrests and 1976 mural
Abertzale left and Aralar have criticized the last arrests against ETA. According to them, the resolution of basque conflict needs the deactivation of exception rules and dialogue. Besides, ETA have decided to not use arms again, so these arrests are "incomprehensible" for Abertzale left.
Unionists political parties (PP, PSOE and UPN), have celebrated the last arrests of ETA members. According to them, ETA must dissolve without negotiation.
Dozens of people protested yesterday against the arrests in Burlata (Nafarroa south basque country). Spanish police appeared and identified some of them. The relatives of Izaskun (one of the ETA militants captured) have denounced that they do not know anything about her situation.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
2 militants of ETA arrested and demonstration in Baiona
2 militants of ETA have been arrested today in Lyon (french state). According to spanish interior minister, tonight a special group of french police (RAID) have entered in the hotel where they were sleeping. Both were armed but there were not being a gunfire.
Izaskun Lesaka |
One of them is Izaskun Lesaka Arguelles (37 years old and from Burlata Nafarroa south basque country) and the other is Joseba Iturbide Otortxeko. Izaskun Lesaka had been persecuted since 2004 (spanish anti-terrorism court declad her wanted) and on 2007 french court sentenced her for rebellion.
T-4 attack |
Joseba Iturbide Otortxeko (35 years old and from Lesaka Nafarroa south basque country) was arrested on 2008 in Donibane Lohizune (Lapurdi north basque country). On 2010 he was judged (spanish police accused him of participating in an attack against spanish financial center in Madrid) and he was not found guilty.
According to spanish right-media, Izaskun Lesaka Arguelles is one of the leaders of ETA and she would have read the last releases of ETA.
Joseba Itubide Otortxeko would be linked with T-4 attack (where the main airport of Madrid suffered important damages on 2006).
"Guardia Civil" have collaborated with french authorities in these arrests.
Baiona yesterday |
Thousands of people supported yesterday a demonstration against High-speed train in Baiona (Lapurdi north basque country). Different social and ecologist groups called that demos.
A lot of basque farmers are against the High-Speed train (they appeared yesterday with 107 tractors). Some of the counciliors weared french symbols so abertzale (pro-independence) counciliors weared ikurrina's (basque flags).
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Rafa Albisu has died
Rafa Albisu Ezenarro, one of the ETA founders, has died with 81 years old. He was married and he had four sons (one of his sons is "Mikel Antza" a leader of ETA who is imprisoned).

Friday, October 26, 2012
1980 Ispaster ambush (basque history)
ETA members |
At a bend of the road, ETA militants threw a grenade against the first "Land-Rover". After that, they started a gunfire using assault rifles and SMGs. In the gunfire a militant of ETA (Xabier Gorritxategi) and 6 spanish military police were killed.
They took the material from the vehicles and allowed workers going out. Another militant of ETA died (Goio Olabarria), when was preparing a trap bomb against police (for when they were reviewing the ambush site) in a land rover.
2 Basque militants were killed next days by spanish paramilitary groups. The government delegate of Euskadi was replaced by a militar. Two new special police groups were sent to basque country: GEO (Special operations group) and UAR (rural counterterrorism units). The next months, ETA(M) faced against these police groups.
At that time, spanish government was very worried by Basque country situation where there were different armed groups (ETA (M), ETA (PM), Iraultza, Comandos Autonomos Anticapitalistas, Iparretarrak) and a strong social movement.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Lawyers in Baiona against dispersion
The law school of Baiona (Lapurdi north basque country) asked yesterday the ending of basque political prisoners dispersion. According to them, dispersion is illegal and contradicts human rights. They have also asked to french and spanish government to speak with ETA and basque national liberation movement.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Action against social control in Gasteiz
In the public university of Gasteiz (Araba south basque country), some youth made a symbolic action against the social control that they live in basque country. Many times, police uses surveillance cameras to identify basque militants. So, some hooded youth have used hammers to destroy it in the public university of Gasteiz.
Here the video of the action:
Here the video of the action:
Josu Uritxeberria, ertzaintza attacks people in Andoain and 11 arrested in Pau
Josu Uritxeberria left hospital yesterday. Josu Uritxeberria was a basque political prisoner that suffers from a terminal cancer. According to spanish law, he had the right of being his last days in his house, but government did not free him. He started a hunger strike and hundreds of basque prisoners supported him starting also a hunger strike. Finally, spanish court accepted to translate Josu Uribetxeberria to a basque hospital. Yesterday, doctors said that they can not do more for him and allowed him going to his house with his family.
According to naiz, Ertzaintza (basque autonomous police) attacked yesterday people in Andoain (Gipuzkoa south basque country). They were waiting to Urtzi Azpirozi (a basque political prisoner who was recently released) when Ertzaintza appeared. One youth was moved to the hospital after receiving blows on the head. Besides, Ertzaintza threatened Urtzi and his girlfriend.
A militant of Bizi! arrested |
"Bizi!" (a basque ecologist movement) organized the past week an action against the High-speed train. They displayed banners rappelling in Pau against High-speed train (where french government dominates north basque country). 11 militants of "Bizi!" were arrested by french police.
High-speed train was a project that according to Abertzale left and ecologist movement, is going to degrade basque country environment and waste public money.
Iosu Uritxeberria video (leaving the hospital):
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Direct action and a militant of ETA arrested
According to Sare Antifaxista, a telephony antenna have been attacked in Igorre (Bizkaia south basque country). Ertzaintza (basque autonomous police) have found leaflets with this message in euskera (basque language): "Long live the struggle of the workers!". "Kale Borroka" (street fight) actions were more common in the past.
Saul Curto |
Saul Curto Lopez (a militant of ETA) has been arrested by French police. According to police, he is linked with a bomb attack against a EITB headquarters on 2008. He was arrested when he was driving a stolen car. Police also linked him with more bomb attacks against PSE-EE headquarters and El correo (a unionist and right-wing newspaper) headquarters.
In my opinion (completely personal), this arrest is linked with "abertzale" victory in Euskadi elections. It is the answer of spanish government to the negotiation request of EH Bildu and is a way to calm far right supporters of PP that are nervous for pro-independence victory in Euskadi.
The attack against EITB headquarters on 2008:
Monday, October 22, 2012
Elections in Euskadi: Victory for PNV/EAJ and EH Bildu
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Euskadi parliament |
EH Bildu (a coalition of pro-independence and leftist political parties) is in the second place with 276.989 votos and 21 parliamentarians. In this coalition there are different political parties: Abertzale left (outlawed in the last years), Aralar (a escision of Abertzale left on 2000), EA (a escision of PNV on 1986) and Alternatiba (a escision of IU).
In Gipuzkoa, most of votes were for EH Bildu and the second place is for PNV/EAJ. In Bizkaia, PNV/EAJ has won and the second place is for EH Bildu. In Araba, where spanish unionism is stronger, PNV/EAJ has also won and EH Bildu is in the second place. Therefore, the Basque parliament has two thirds occupied with parliamentarians in favor of self-determination or independence.
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Candidates |
PSE-EE (section of PSOE) has achieved 211.939 votes (they lose 106.000 votes and 9 parliamentarians respect 2009 elections). In last elections, taking advantage of banning Abertzale left, they made a pact with PP and governed Euskadi. In these three years, they made social cuts and increased repression against basque culture and insurgency.
PP has achieved 129.907 votes. They lose 16.200 votes and three parliamentarians. UPyD (unionist party) achieved 21.492 votes (losing 741 votes). Besides, IU section of Euskadi has not achieved parliamentarians, so their leader (Mikel Arana) has resigned.
The spanish unionism is weakened and PNV/EAJ must choose between EH Bildu and PSE-EE to govern. Next elections are going to be in Nafarroa, where spanish unionism (UPN, PP and PSN) is stronger than pro-independence movement. But in last years, basque pro-independence and pro-basque culture political parties (Geroa Bai and Bildu) have gained votes.
Some photos:
Inigo Urkullu leader of PNV/EAJ |
Laura Mintegi main candidate of EH Bildu |
EH Bildu supporters |
Voting |
Antonio Basagoiti (main candidate of PP) |
Patxi Lopez (candidate of PSE) and people protesting |
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Elections in Euskadi and Araitz Zubimendi
Patxi Lopez and people protesting |
1.775.336 of Basques can vote today the next parliament of Euskadi (Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa and Araba). Four big political parties compete in that elections: PP-PSE (unionist), PNV/EAJ (autonomist) and EH Bildu (pro-independence). These elections are celebrated with three important differences: Capitalism is strongly attacking basque people and social tension rises, last year ETA decided to not use more armed struggle and all basque pro-independence/leftist political parties are united (abertzale left is not outlawed).
Patxi Lopez, leader of PSC (PSOE in Euskadi) voted while people was claiming for basque political prisoners and refugee repatriation.
Araitz Zubimendi |
Araitz Zubimendi (a basque political prisoner) has achieved freedom after being imprisoned for 6 years in spanish state. She was accused of being a militant of Segi. Segi was (they decided to dissolve some months ago) a basque youth organization that fighted for independence, socialism, ecologism and feminism in all basque country. The organization is outlawed in spanish state and a lot of their militants were arrested, tortured and imprisoned. In french state, the organization was legal but french state also repressed their militants.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
More arrests in Iruña
Riots in Iruña during last general strike |
According to Ateak Ireki and Naiz, three more youth were arrested yesterday in Berrioplano (Nafarroa south basque country) and Iruña (Nafarroa south basque country). Two of them were arrested by spanish police and the other by local police.
Tomorrow there are going to be Euskadi's elections, I will update election's information on monday.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Threats against EH Bildu candidate, a basque political prisoner in hospital and more arrests.
Amais Infante (militant of EH Bildu) denounced yesterday that she had been threatened by Ertzaintza (basque regional police). She was going to Laudio (Araba south basque country) in her car. She wore stickers on the car and a megaphone with music. When she stopped the car to check if Megaphone was running correctly, a police pointed at her head with a gun. They questioned and threatened Amais. EH Bildu demanded an end to these police actions.
Aitzol Gogorza (a basque political
prisoner) has been hospitalized. He is one of the basque political
prisoners that suffers a serious and incurable illness. According to
spanish law they should be free but they continue in prison. Since 2011
he is receiving a program to prevent suicide. According to prison
services, his physical condition has worsened.
Spanish police have arrested this morning José Ignacio Pérez Aranburu in Irun (Gipuzkoa south basque country). According to spanish "justice" must be 3 years in prison in spain and french state also will judge him. He is accused of being involved in a attack on 1995 against Ertzaintza patrols where 5 police were injured. All that information is taken from spanish media, so it can be manipulated. Ander Diaz (arrested yesterday), is free but he is going to be judged. Yesterday dozens of people supported arrested youth in front of spanish police headquarters in Iruña (Nafarroa south basque country).
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Ander Diaz arrested
According to Ateak Ireki, Ander Diaz has been arrested by spanish police this morning. When he was going to work, spanish police approached and arrested him. He is charged of participating in the riots occurred in Iruña (Nafarroa South basque country) during general strike.
Ambush in Pasaia (basque history)
1984, 4 basque militants of "Comandos Autonomos Anticapitalistas" (Autonomous Anticapitalist Commandos in english) were killed by spanish police.
"Comandos Autonomos Anticapitalistas" were a Basque armed group in South Basque Country. Some of their militants were ex-members of ETA. They support marxist and autonomist ideology. They were organized in different Commandos and each one of them was "independent" from the others.
On 1984, Rosa Jimeno (militant of Commandos) was arrested by spanish police. After being strongly tortured, they forced her to date with her partner Dionisio. On 1984, fourth youth (members of a Commando) using a boat approached to Pasajes Bay. Police prepared the ambush taking a lot of arms and bulletproof vests. When the militants landed and saw Rosa, they approached to her. Suddenly spanish police blinded them using lights and after that killed two militants shooting them.
After that, spanish police arrested the other 3 militants of Commandos. Then, three secret police appeared and after saying "you are going to die" killed another two militants.113 bullets were found inside of their bodies. No policeman was tried. Families knew that they were dead through mass media.
More information (spanish):
A song made in their honor:
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Basque language in Iparralde, Jon Anza and torture in Spain
The Basque language (euskara or euskera) is strongly discriminated in Iparralde (north basque country). The French state do not recognize other languages like basque or breton. Public education only have a subject in basque language and it is optional. So teaching in euskera must be done by parents or popular iniciatives like "Ikastolak".
Besides, only few radios or newspapers have information in basque. The television network France 3 has a space in basque language for iparralde but according to the directive this space is going to dissapear. A newly created group is going to protest against the elimination of that space in euskera.
According to french court, "Jon Anza" (a militant of ETA found dead) investigation is finished. Jon Anza disappeared three years ago and after 10 months his body appeared in a morgue of Tolosa. ETA denounced that spanish secret services knew that Jon Anza was a militant of ETA and the same week that Jon Anza disappeared, some "Guardia Civil" (spanish military police) forgot their guns in a hotel of Tolosa. According to Jon Anza family, he was kidnaped and he died by torture (he was very ill and weak). In the same year of his disappearance more basque militants were kidnaped and tortured in all along basque country.
The Strasbourg Court has sentenced to pay a compensation to "Martxelo Otamendi" (former editor of Egunkaria). On 2003 the newspaper was closed by spanish military police and "Audiencia Nacional". They arrested 10 members of Egunkaria staff. Some of them denounced torture: Simulated shots on head, asphyxiate with plastic bags, hits in the genitals etc. Spanish "justice" do not investigate torture (they never investigate torture and if they investigate defendants are acquitted).
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Historical memory in Donapaleu and solidarity in Iruña
Donapaleu |
The past weekend, in Donapaleu (Baxe Nafarroa North Basque Country) was remembered the Nafarroa's kingdom conquest. On 1512 spanish army invaded Nafarroa's kingdom, after the invasion there were numerous rebellions where thousands of people were killed by spanish army.
"Nafarroa Bizirik" and "Nafar naturalak" organized a program for all the day in Donapaleu. Hundreds of people supported the regaining of independence. In the speech, they said that phrase: "We were one, we were free, we (basques) had a state in Europe: Nafarroa".
There were also cultural activities, music, party and a meal for people.
Iruña |
Dozens of people supported yesterday a demonstration in front of PP headquarters in Iruña (Nafarroa South Basque Country). They protested against basque political prisoners dispersion and claimed the right of basque prisoners to live in Euskal Herria (basque country).
In Burgi (Nafarroa South Basque Country) also protested against dispersion and claimed for basque political prisoners freedom.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Solidarity with basque political prisoners in Atarrabia, Etxarri and Arbizu
Hundreds of people supported yesterday "Mikel Almandoz" in Atarrabia (Nafarroa South Basque Country). Mikel, should be out of prison some weeks ago (according to french law) but he continues in jail. He was arrested on 2003 in France accused of being member of ETA military leadership. After the demonstration, people called to participate in the next big demonstration that is going to be on 10 of November in Baiona (Lapurdi North Basque Country).
Dozens of people have marched along Etxarri and Arbizu (Nafarroa South Basque Country) in support of two basque political prisoners that according to spanish law should be also out of prison.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
EH Bildu rally in Bilbo
Bilbo |
Laura Mintegi (candidate for "lehendakari" in Euskadi) explained three main concepts: Where they came (union of pro-independence and leftist political parties), where they are (in a new situation for basque country) and where they are going to be (a new project for basque country).
Arnaldo Otegi also participated yesterday in a video. Arnaldo Otegi is the spokesman of Batasuna (a outlawed pro-independence political party) and he is imprisoned in Spain. After the video, spanish government have said that Arnaldo Otegi is isolated in the prison and his wife can not visit him again.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Police protects Nazi demos in Basque Country
"On Hispanity Day (Columbus Day in the USA) Nazi groups
from Spain have tried to perform a petty conquest of the separatist
nations, of Catalonia and the Basque Country.
They would have just been lynched by the many citizens who reached out
to the counter mobilizations but police forces paid with our taxes
defended them against the just popular anger, causing damages instead
among the citizenry."
"At least 15 citizens were arrested.
One Nazi was also arrested after they attacked police agents who
registered their bus, finding many weapons. Those who arrived to Albia
Gardens, spit on the statue of Sabin Arana, the main founder of Basque
Nationalism, without facing even a fine for it.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Spanish fascist (national day), future in north basque country and images from student's strike
Ertzaintza in Bilbo today |
According to naiz, "Ertzaintza" is protecting spanish fascist demonstration in Bilbo (capital of Bizkaia south basque country). Police have attacked antifascist protest and there are 6 arrested. Some streets have been cut with dumpsters, Ertzaintza have used rubber balls and basque militants have answered throwing stones. At less there is one injured. Today is spanish national day and there are protest all along south basque country. "Yolanda Barcina" (president of UPN Nafarroa unionist political party) have supported the army parade in Madrid. Pro-independence political parties do not celebrate this day.
Lebranchu minister said yesterday that "iparralde" (north basque country) is going to be recognized by french state. She did not said which kind of recognition is going to be so north basque country political parties have said that they are going to press french state. Although, iparralde political parties are going to continue working in actual status while there is no change.
More images from yesterday (spanish police do not attack demonstrators in Iruña, but Ertzaintza have used rubber balls in Gasteiz and Bilbo).
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Strike in education and Lebranchu
"Ikasle Abertzaleak" with the support of other student's organization (anarchists, student assemblies etc.) have called a general strike in education system in south basque country. LAB (pro-independence and socialist trade union), parent associations and teachers are also supporting the strike. Thousands of people have been in the demonstrations in south basque country capitals: Bilbo, Iruña, Gasteiz and Donosti. The Basque public universities are empty and a lot of institutes are also empty. They are protesting against spanish government cuts in education. In spanish state, other pro-independence and socialist students organizations (Galiza, Paisos Catalans, Andalucia) are supporting also this general strike. Spanish main students organizations do not support the strike.
Spanish police, Ertzaintza, Guardia Civil and foral police have not attacked demonstrators. But in Gasteiz 28 students have been identified after cutting a road with banners. In Iruña, more than 100 students have been identified by spanish police and they are following students (some of them have been fined) in the streets.
The tension between the police and students is big. Some roads have been cut with dumpsters.
According to the last information, in some streets spanish police is attacking students (the demonstration have finished) but that information is not confirmed.
Marylise Lebranchu is talking now with political representatives of "Iparralde" (north basque country). They are going to ask her a new political status for "iparralde" where basques can have more power to take decisions about their future. UMP, PSF and pro-independence councilorss have united to ask this new political status. According to pro-independence councilors, this can be the first step in the way of independence.
Some images (tomorrow more):
Spanish police near of a institute in Iruña |
Nafarroa public university |
Demonstration in Iruña |
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Ertzaintza in Donosti |
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Attack against a basque political prisoner family, more repression and spanish fascist
According to Etxerat, Enara Rodriguez (sister of a basque political prisoners) has been attacked in the road when she was returning of visiting her brother. When she was driving, a car knocked her car and after having an "accident" two men approached to her car. They beated and threatened with raping. They said that they were spanish police and gave her five minutes to flee.
Yesterday, in total were 4 arrested by foral police. When friends, supporters and relatives protested for these arrest foral police appeared to identify them. LAB (a basque pro-independence trade union) denounced that spanish government and UPN (Nafarroa unionist political party) are trying to hide police repression arresting youth. t:
Spanish fascist are preparing their demonstration for 12 of October. Fascist paintings appeared yesterday in Gasteiz and Oiartzun threatening people. A video with the protest:
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Spanish fascist are preparing their demonstration for 12 of October. Fascist paintings appeared yesterday in Gasteiz and Oiartzun threatening people. A video with the protest:
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Solidarity with political prisoners, more arrests and spanish military
On 29 September, dozens of basques traveled to Galiza (basque political prisoners are dispersed in spanish and french states) . They showed their solidarity with basque political prisoners, approaching to the prison, screaming, waving flags and throwing firecrackers. Some prisoners responded with screams. After that, basques joined to a demonstration in Vigo in support of Galiza political prisoners.
After demonstration, Galizan people invited basques to a dinner in a squatted social center. Galiza political prisoners are also dispersed along spanish state.
According to Ateak Ireki, a youth has been arrested today in Iruña accused of participating in last riots. Foral police tried to arrest another young, but he was not in his house when police appeared.
Spanish government is not going to retire it troops from Loiola barracks. Some PSE councilors asked its transfer. But according to spanish government, that barracks are necessary to protect spanish state and its integrity.
After demonstration, Galizan people invited basques to a dinner in a squatted social center. Galiza political prisoners are also dispersed along spanish state.
According to Ateak Ireki, a youth has been arrested today in Iruña accused of participating in last riots. Foral police tried to arrest another young, but he was not in his house when police appeared.
Spanish government is not going to retire it troops from Loiola barracks. Some PSE councilors asked its transfer. But according to spanish government, that barracks are necessary to protect spanish state and its integrity.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Iñigo Cabacas and repression in general strike
Supporters of Athletic have done a demonstration in protest for Iñigo Cabacas death.
Iñigo Cabacas was killed by police some months ago when he was celebrating a football match in Bilbo (Bizkaia South Basque Country). The "Ertzaintza" appeared in the celebration and they used rubber balls against people. One of that rubber balls impacted in Iñigo Cabacas head and he died.
The police and Euskadi interior head have gone unpunished.
3 youth have been sentenced to 16 months of imprisonment. According to spanish police, they attacked with bottles and stones to police during the riots of last general strike in South Basque Country. In that video (when one of the youth is arrested) we can see that he didn't attack police. This arrest occurred in Atarrabia (Nafarroa South Basque Country) when a group of people was handing information about general strike.
Iñigo Cabacas was killed by police some months ago when he was celebrating a football match in Bilbo (Bizkaia South Basque Country). The "Ertzaintza" appeared in the celebration and they used rubber balls against people. One of that rubber balls impacted in Iñigo Cabacas head and he died.
The police and Euskadi interior head have gone unpunished.
3 youth have been sentenced to 16 months of imprisonment. According to spanish police, they attacked with bottles and stones to police during the riots of last general strike in South Basque Country. In that video (when one of the youth is arrested) we can see that he didn't attack police. This arrest occurred in Atarrabia (Nafarroa South Basque Country) when a group of people was handing information about general strike.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Spanish fascist in Bilbo and new images of general strike
According to "Sare Antifaxista" spanish fascists are going to do a demonstration in Bilbo (Bizkaia South Basque Country) on 12 October (spain national day). This demonstration is supported by "Falange", "Nudo Patriot Español" and "Vieja Escuela". The Spanish far right want to face to pro-independence movements in Basque Country and Catalonia. When far right have demonstrations in basque country, there are usually riots when police attack anti-fascist marchs.
New images of general strike the past 26 of September. In the video we can see spanish secret police arresting people during the riots occurred in Iruña (Nafarroa South Basque Country). Tomorrow are going to be judged 4 youth arrested during the riots, spanish "justice" asks for them 2 years in jail.
New images of general strike the past 26 of September. In the video we can see spanish secret police arresting people during the riots occurred in Iruña (Nafarroa South Basque Country). Tomorrow are going to be judged 4 youth arrested during the riots, spanish "justice" asks for them 2 years in jail.
Demonstration in Iruña |
Spanish police protecting a shopping center |
Hooded people |
Demonstration in Iruña |
Spanish police |
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Solidarity with political prisoners and trial to the Nafarroa government
Today starts Atarrabia (Nafarroa South basque country) festivals. The town hall is governed by Bildu (a pro-independence and leftist coalition). Dozens of people have supported basque political prisoners showing their faces and asking their repatriation with flags. Dozens of people have also protested by the cuts that spanish government and Nafarroa government is applying in social services, health system or education. Spanish media have manipulated all the information linking the support of basque political prisoners with terrorism.
Nafarroa government is going to be judged for a police actuation in Berriozar (Nafarroa South Basque Country). On 2008, during a solidary concert, foral police teared a banner that supports basque political prisoners. After that, they attacked the concert using batons and rubber balls. Some people were injured and one of them (Iker Isiegas) was unconscious. Foral police knocked him in his head and then he had surgery on his head. According to Nafarroa government (Nafarroa is governed by UPN a unionist political party) the police acted correctly.
Iker Sasiegas |
Friday, October 5, 2012
General Strike, students strike and "Iparralde"
Spanish police using rubber balls |
Ikasle Abertzaleak |
Cuts in education, repression of students, firings of teachers, attacks against basque culture and language (euskera) etc.
12 of October is Spanish National day and "Ikasle Abertzaleak" is going to prepare "popular schools", where students and teachers can learn more about basque culture and alternatives to the capitalist system.
Marylise Lebranchu |
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