Different councilors have expressed their intention of reorganize Udalbiltza. Udalbiltza was a basque national institution. One of their main objetive was building an independent "Euskal Herria" (basque country). It was formed by different councilors. Spanish state illegalized it in 2003, after that some of "Udalbiltza" members were arrested and imprisoned. Their headquearters were closed by spanish police and Guardia Civil (spanish militar police). They were accused of being linked with ETA and replancament of State. When they were legal, they supported different activities like invest money in Zuberoa (north basque country) or promove "Euskera" (basque language) in Iparralde (north basque country).
Nowadays, different councilers members of Ezker Abertzalea, AB, NaBai, Aralar, EA, Alternatiba etc are going to reorganize Udalbiltza before year-end. According to their opinion, with Udalbiltza the basque country will advance inits economic, social and cultural sovereignty. PNV (basque nationalist party) and Geroa Bai have no yet spoken about this theme.
Basagoiti and Rajoy
PP (spanish right-wing political party) have said that if ETA does not dissolve and weapons delivery, spanish-french state will not end with basque political prisoner disperssion. Rajoy (spanish state president) and Basagoiti are going to try a new political strategy to stop basque pro-independence institutional movement. According to them, ETA have caused thousands of "exiliates", they want their "return" to basque country.
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