Monday, December 17, 2012

The basque political prisoners can not write in Basque in Algeciras

According to naiz, the management of the prison in Algeciras has banned to basque political prisoners to write or receive in basque letters.  Only phrases like "Zorionak eta urte berri on" (Happy new year) or "Badator Olentzero" (Olentzero is coming) can be used, the rest of the letter must be written in spanish. Besides, the postcards (5 can be sent) must have only three lines. According to the management of the prison in Algeciras, if they find more than 5 postcards or 3 lines, the letters will not reach their destination.

Moreover, in Portugalete (Bizkaia south basque country) ertzaintza (regional police) have entered in the "herriko taberna" (a pub of Abertzale Left). They took all the photographies of basque political prisoners that are showed in the pub. According to the police, that photographies are defending terrorism. They also identified one ot the workers in the pub.

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