Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Conclusions of Ikasle Abertzaleak congress

The congress of Ikasle Abertzaleak have finished with important conclusions.

The congress started the past friday in Atarrabia (Nafarroa south basque country) and finished on Saturday. According to Ikasle Abertzaleak, 700 militants have participated in the discuss. In Atarrabia, more than 150 militants represented the different militants groups of basque country and they defined the ways to achieve "Euskal Eskola Nazionala" (Basque National Education System).


The patriarchal capitalist system supported by French and Spanish states must be changed. Our alternative, will focus on the construction of a new social model for Basque country: Fair. The curren system have three big opressions: Capitalism (class struggle), patriarchal (feminism) and national (basque struggle). We want a education system that will help people to be free, critical, "euskaldun" (that they know to speak euskara) etc.


Ikasle Abertzaleak is a leftist, feminist, revolutionary and "euskaldun" organization. Our project must be constructed in the day to day. So, the values ​​and work of the organization must be coherent with our aim. But we also must consider the context where we are to find the necessary "tools" or ways for the change.


The strategy will support the construction of Euskal Eskola Nazionala since now. Three ways have been agreed.

  -1. Ekin/ildo iraunkorra: From local struggle we must create real practices to achieve the change. This kind of struggle must be permanent. Construction of alternatives, respond to attacks, create our own contents, use liberating pedagogy, achieve rights etc.

  -2. Eraiki/ildo ez iraunkorra: We are fighting for the freedom of Basque Country so our militants must be actives in that struggle: Construction of our nation, the change to a new social model and resolution of basque conflict.

  -3. Iraultzailea/barne ildoa: The revolution must be first inner. If we want to be an example for other people, firstly we must achieve the change in our militants. So, to achieve Euskal Eskola Nazionala, our organization must be a revolutionary tool. Feminist, euskaldun, a new organizational model, internationalist and with a powerful ideological struggle.

The next basque organizations were invited to the congress: Sortzen ikasbatuaz (a basque organization that defends public schools), LAB (pro-independence and socialiste union), Abertzale left, Bildu (coalition of pro-independence and leftist political parties, ZUKGUA (the name of the process that is going to create a new basque youth organization), Askapena (internationalist organaziation), Euskal kontseilua (organization that seeks the expansion and protection of Basque language) and Herrira.

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