Saturday, November 24, 2012

Meliton Manzanas killed by ETA (basque history)

Meliton Manzanas
1968 was the first year that a militant of ETA was killed by spanish police and it was also the first time that a militant of ETA kills a spanish police. But in the same year, in a planned action, ETA killed an important member of spanish security forces: Meliton Manzanas

Meliton Manzanas (Donosti 1909-Irun 1968) was a spanish police that in the 2. World War colaborated with Gestapo. He was a high-ranking police officer in Gipuzkoa (south basque country) and his work was the repression of any insurgency against spanish dictatorship. Dozens of basques were tortured personally (some of them died after being tortured) by Meliton Manzanas. He was member of spanish political police in Donosti (Gipuzkoa south basque country). He was a symbol of spanish repression against insurgency (basque pro-independence, communists, anarchists etc.) in south basque country.

On 1968, ETA decided to kill him in the operation called "sagarra" (apple). When he was returning to his home, a militant of ETA shooted him in front of his door. The attack was claimed in a Belgian Television.

The spanish state, did not expect that attack and declared a state of exception in Gipuzkoa. 600 basques were arrested by spanish police and military police. Most of them were tortured in spanish headquearters. In some towns (like Hernani), spanish military police shooted against gastronomical societies etc. 

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