Wednesday, November 14, 2012

General strike south basque country

Spanish main trade unions (CC.OO and UGT), little basque trade unions (ESK) and anarchists (CNT and CGT) have called a general strike today in south basque country (and spanish state). Besides, a lot of social colectives (like "Herri Ekimena") have called protests in south basque country. The main basque trade unions, ELA-LAB, have not supported this general strike (they called other general strike on 26 of September).

The support to general strike is stronger in Nafarroa (where spanish unionism is more present). There are going to be different demonstrations all along the day. Some political parties have supported the general strike:

Spanish political parties: IU (leftist) and PSOE

Basque political parties: Bildu, EH Bildu and Amaiur (all pro-independence and leftist)

Spanish police and local police have identified some anarchists militants near of Nafarroa Public University and in Bilbo some members of CC.OO have been also identified:

I am going to be updating information along the day


According to spanish trade unions, about %40-%50  have stopped in Gipuzkoa/Araba/Bizkaia and %70 in Nafarroa.

Anarchists and social organizations have made their own demonstrations (criticizing CCOO, UGT, ELA and LAB). Almost 2.600 people have supported their demonstration in Iruña (Nafarroa south basque country)

There are no incidents or riots. There is less police in the streets that last general strike (called by basque trade unions LAB-ELA). Although anarchists and social organizations are being followed by a lot of police.

Thousands of people have supported UGT and CC.OO demonstrations in south basque country capytals.

Some photos:

Anarchists in front of a bank

Spanish police identifing people, Iruña

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