Monday, December 31, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
The website Ateak Ireki in danger (INCORRECT INFORMATION)
Laura Alba |
The website Ateak Ireki, have been denounced by Laura Alba (member of UPN a unionist and right-wing political party). Ateak Ireki is a website that usually reports about repression, basque history, corruption etc. They also produce documentaries about different topics.
Recently, they made a documentary about different cases of waste of public money and corruption. In the documentary, different members of UPN (they govern the basque province of Nafarroa south basque country) appeared linked with the waste of public money. Laura Alba accumulated debts of more than 300,000 euros to hacienda. Now, she has denounced Ateak Ireki.
It was a joke of the web, sorry for the incorrect information
It was a joke of the web, sorry for the incorrect information
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Police prevented a barter market
According to topatu, local police have banned a barter market in Donosti (Gipuzkoa south basque country). A group of young people, had organized a barter market when police appeared threatening them with fines. Local police appeared when there were less people in the streets.
According to the group, they only want to offer an alternative to the current consumist model. They have also added, that they had no intention of making money.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Protest in support of Lander Fernandez
Lander Fernandez |
According to topatu, different people have protested in Rome against the extradion of Lander Fernandez to spain.
Lander Fernandez was arrested in June 2012. According to spanish authorities, he was member of ETA. In the past, he was imprisoned for 5 years in France for possessing weapons and stealing a vehicle. On 2009, he was arrested in Madrid during the investigation of sabotages.
Different italian social organizations, are going to support him the next 8 of January in the square of piazzale Clodio (Rome).
Eusko Ekintza
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Members of Eusko Ekintza |
According to sare antifaxista, a new political party has been created: Eusko Ekintza (basque action). This new political party, was publicly presented the past weekend.
Eusko Ekintza members were in the past militants of Herri Batasuna (pro-independence and socialist political party outlawed in south basque country), EA (pro-independence and socialdemocrat) and other organizations. They did a press conference in Altsasu (Nafarroa south basque country). The same town where Herri Batasuna was created on 1978.
The official promoters were: Peio Mari Olaeta, Nekane Garmendia, Gotzone Rekondo, Enrike Lertxundi, Jakue Paskual, Santi Merino and Arritxu Santamaria. According to them, they represent a reality that do not have a space in official Abertzale left. Although, they agree with other basque organizations of Abertzale left in their struggle for independence and socialism. They support a socialism with strong public services and cooperative.
They are against capytalist system and support people's organization for building a new social/economical/political system. They also are going to fight against ecological opression, patriarchal system, homophobia and xenophobia.
They respect all the victims of basque conflict. But, according to them, the spanish/french dirty war and spanish dictatorship victims are not receiving justice. State crimes have not been punished.
"It is necessary to require an amnisty for basque political prisoners and refugees" they said.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Hundreds of people supports young militants
Demonstration in Errenteria |
According to naiz, hundreds of people have supported in Errenteria (Gipuzkoa south basque country) the sentence against 5 young militants. According to spanish authorities, they are members of Segi (a basque young revolutionary and pro-independence organization outlawed in spanish state).
The demonstration was organized by Eleak (a organization that support civil and political rights in basque country). The main slogan ("Gure etxeko atea zabalik dute!"- They have our home's door opened).
They have also denounced, that after bein arrested, the young militants were tortured by spanish ocupation forces. More than 30 differente organizations have supported the demonstration: Ikasle Abertzaleak, Sare antifaxista, EA, Alternatiba, Aralar, Lokarri etc. They were arrested on 2008 by spanish police.
Olentzero (basque culture)
Olentzero in Iruña (Nafarroa south basque country) |
In this article, I summarize the story of one of the most popular character of basque culture: Olentzero. It is celebrated on 24 of December.
There are different theories about the origin of Olentzero. Although, Olentzero have common characteristics: He is an anthropomorphic "jentila" (a mythological basque creature), coalman, dirty, lives alone on the mountains, he likes to drink and smoke.
According to one of the stories, he is the last "jentil" of basque country. When Jesus borned, all the "jentilak" hid under "triku harriak". All, except one, Olentzero must sacrifice oneself to place stones where the other "jentilak" hide. After that, he went to the towns announcing the final of "jentilak" (the age of basque mythology) and the coming of the messiah (kismu or jesus).
According to other story, he is also the last "jentil" of basque country. One day, "jentilak" saw a strange cloud in the sky so they asked to the oldest jentil to watch it. He saw a powerful light that announces the final of "jentilak" and aske to the other to throw him in the precipice. The remaining "jentilak" hidde themselves under the triku harriak. Olentzero place stones on them and announced to the basque people the final of one age.
The most likely origin is that Olentzero is a celebration of winter solstice, previous to the Christianity. A celebration of the return of Sun. In the past, Olentzero figures were burned in towns squares to celebrate the new year. The Christianity adopted different characteristics of basque culture to introduce in it.
Olentzero is extended in all basque country (south and north). There are different modes of celebrating it. In most of cities or towns, he "carry" presents to basque children. In some cities, municipalities include him in official program. In others, schools carry it along the streets with animals, typical basque clothes and chants. In some towns, Olentzero is directly organized by the people and sometimes it have a political characteristics (basque political prisoners photographs, defense of basque language etc.).
Firstly, he was a gigant of basque mytholog, then he was converted to christianity (and he does not like children) and finally he carried presents to children (adaptation to capytalism). Although in different parades he has the original interpretation.
Normally, families and children accompany him through a parade along the streets. A video of Olentzero in 1970 in a small town of south basque country:
Like other different expresions of basque culture, Olentzero had been linked with basque struggle. During spanish dictatorship, the parades were banned. Althoug, towards the end of the Franco it was allowed. In some towns of Nafarroa (where spanish unionism is stronger) there were (and are sometimes) tensions with the parade.
On 2009, the government of Nafarroa (UPN an unionist political party) banned Olentzero parades in neighbourhoods. Spanish police and local police appeared in the parades. They set fines and even arrested some participants. During 2003, 2004, 2005 different dolls that represent Olentzero were stolen in Areso (Nafarroa south basque country). Different neighbors contributed images where "Guardia Civil" (spanish military police) appeared stealing it.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Aurore Martin released
Aurore Martin, has been released today in Madrid. According to naiz, she has left the prison of Madrid after paying 15.000 euro. Batasuna (pro-indepence and socialist political party in which Aurore Martin works) have collected the money needed today in Baiona (Lapurdi north basque country) and Donibane Garazi (Behe Nafarroa north basque country).
Irish Republicans (Republican Sinn Fein) send message to Basque people
From Republican Sinn Fein (Ireland):
True Irish Republicans don’t give up their ideals for paid jobs and
luxury lifestyle. True Irish Republicans continue to fight for a united
Ireland, a democratic-socialist Republic and peace with justice.
Neither the national question in the Basque country nor the question of the Basque political prisoners will be solved through disbanding and decommission of ETA. We know there are a big number of true Basque revolutionaries who fight for their people and their country and not for themselves and their careers as Adams, McGuiness and their kitchen cabinet did. We of Republican Sinn Féin say to all Basque revolutionaries: Don’t let yourself be betrayed by a reformist leadership! The future of your children and the sacrifices of the martyrs are too important to give up the fight for a free and independent Basque Country!
Irish Republicans call on all true revolutionary forces in the Basque Country to study the true lessons of the Irish freedom struggle. Let’s join forces with the Irish revolutionaries and fight together for the liberation of our nations.
Republican Sinn Féin asks all true Basque revolutionaries to get in contact with the International Bureau of Republican Sinn Féin and establish links with Irish Republicans.
The International Bureau of Republican Sinn Féin can be contacted through: and 0043 664 556 18 68.
For confirmation: Dieter Blumenfeld, International PRO Republican Sinn Féin,, 0043 664 556 18 68
I ask for collaboration
Hi blog readers!
This little blog is growing and this month has broken the record of visits. But I think that among other deficiencies, I have not enough news about north basque country (Iparralde). So I ask for help to someone if she/he wants to help me with the news of Iparralde.
Of course, anyone that want to help me can also send a message (in basque, english or spanish please).
Here the contact:
Friday, December 21, 2012
Acquitted three people accused of making paintings against High-Speed Rail
They were acquitted after local police were unable of demonstrate that they are the people who made the graffitis.
UPN, PSN and PP against basque symbols in Nafarroa
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Basque flag |
According to berria, the main unionist political parties in Nafarroa (UPN, PP, PSOE-PSN) have approved punishing (withdraw financial support) all the town councils that disobey the "symbols law". On 2003, the symbol law was approved in Nafarroa (south basque country). This law, prohibits basque national flags in city councils and requires placing the Spanish flag.
Nabai (pro-basque culture political party), Bildu (a coaltion of pro-independence and leftist political parties) and Ezkerra (leftist political party) have denounced the "ideological harassment". The town councils cannot receive also financial support if they disobey "terrorism victims law".
Bildu has criticized this measure, according to them, must be the judge and not the parliament who punish the town councils. Besides, they have also denounced the patronage that exists in the government of Nafarroa. According to Ezkerra, the "symbol law" is only for basque national symbols like Ikurriña. The law does not require remove the symbols of the Spanish dictatorship (1939-1975) that are present in different public buildings.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Gartxot: Basque animation film (basque culture)
In any process of national and social liberation, culture has an important role. Gartxot is the story of a basque bard that keeps the stories, songs and tales of the basque people in the Middle Ages (when the kingdom of Nafarroa was still independent). Among those songs, it is the song that sings about basque victory against Frankish invaders in Orreaga. However, Catholic church do not like this and kidnap his son.
The legend of Gartxot is based in an old tale of the north of Nafarroa (south basque country). Arturo Kanpion (an important basque intellectual), adapted that legend. On 2003, the tale was made comic and on 2011 it was made the animation film for adults. Here the trailer (in basque and latin):
Football match: Euskal Herria and Bolivia
Members of Esait |
The next 29 of December, the basque national football team ("Euskal selekzioa") is going to play a football match with Bolivia national football team. Esait, has used these dates to inform about their struggle to achieve the official status of Basque sport selections. They have also announced that they are going to support the next football match. Esait is a basque organization that which aiming is obtaining official status for basque different sports selections.
So they have organized to the next 29 of December a festive-protest program near of Anoeta (football stadium). There are going to be different musical performances, txosnak (pubs), children's play areas etc. Besides, there is going to be also a basque pelota game (Mendizabal I-Goñi III against Koka-Eulate). At 17:00, there is going to be a parade with the support of main basque football supporters (Mujika, Indar Gorri, Eztanda, Herri Norte etc.). At 18:00, there will be the act to require the official status.
Seven people have pleaded with the director of the newspaper Gara
According to naiz (a virtual platform linked with the newspaper Gara), Iñaki Soto (director of the newspaper Gara) has been imputed by a letter that mentioned to "Maite Perez" and "Rafa Etxebeste" (two militants of ETA that died when the explosive that they are manipulating exploded).
The other 6 persons, were the signatories of the letter. They have been considered responsible, except one who is minor age. Besides, the judge have made responsible of the letter also the director of the newspaper Gara. The director have said that their publications are informative and he defended freedom of expression. The judge have tried to get more names of the newspaper workers but Iñaki Soto has assumed responsibility of it.
The crime of which they are accused has a term of imprisonment of two years. Different basque media (Le journal du pays basque, Gara, Berria, Deia, Diario de noticias etc.) have echoed the news. In the past, the spanish "Audencia Nacional" have closed two basque newspapers, a basque magazine, a radio and two webs.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
The director of the newspaper Gara judged
Iñaki Soto |
Iñaki Soto (the director of Gara) has said today that he had received a letter from "Audencia Nacional" (the tribunal that fights against basque struggle) announcing that he is going to be judged for "defending terrorism". The letter does not specify anything more.
Gara is a newspaper of south basque country, the version of gara in north basque country is "Le Journal du Pays Basque". The newspaper is linked with Abertzale left ideology.
5 youngs militants imprisoned
According to naiz, 5 young that have been imprisoned recently, have seen their conviction upheld by the spanish supreme court.
On April of 2008, 16 youngs of Oarsoaldea (Gipuzkoa south basque country) were arrested by spanish police. After the period of isolation (5 days in spanish law) they were imprisoned "preventively". They were accused of participating in sabotages and of being members of Segi (a basque young revolutionary organization).
On January of 2012, spanish "Audencia Nacional" (the main tribunal that fights against basque struggle) condemned Maitane Linazasoro, Xabier Lujanbio, Aitor Alberdi, Arkaitz Antza, Aitor Franco and Iosu Arruabarrena to prison (6-6.5 years of prison). Spanish supreme court have confirmed the sentence for 5 of them and have acquitted Iosu Arruabarrena.
Besides, today is going to be judged in Madrid Xabier Bidaurre. He is from Antzin (Nafarroa south basque country) and he is also accused of being member of Segi.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Interview to Martxelo Otamendi about Torture
From the web: Basque peace process
In February of 2003 the judge of the Spanish National Court Juan del Olmo dictated the closing of the only newspaper that was published entirely in the Basque language, Egunkaria, by considering that it was at the orders of ETA. With the closing, ten of its executives were also arrested, who were accused of being terrorist leaders. Seven years later, on April 12th, 2010, in the first trial for this cause, all of the accused were acquitted. But the damage was already done, Martxelo Otamendi and various others of his companions denounced having been tortured by agents of the Guardia Civil (spanish military police).
How do you view this sentence?
In February of 2003 the judge of the Spanish National Court Juan del Olmo dictated the closing of the only newspaper that was published entirely in the Basque language, Egunkaria, by considering that it was at the orders of ETA. With the closing, ten of its executives were also arrested, who were accused of being terrorist leaders. Seven years later, on April 12th, 2010, in the first trial for this cause, all of the accused were acquitted. But the damage was already done, Martxelo Otamendi and various others of his companions denounced having been tortured by agents of the Guardia Civil (spanish military police).
Otamendi participated in Madrid in the
International Congress against Oppression that was celebrated in the
Ateneo cultural association in the capital. In his presentation he
related how he, along with the rest of his companions, he was held isolated for five days and three of them were submitted to torture.
“I spent three days without sleep. I had to stand looking at a wall and
they only let me sit for 20 minutes every five hours. They beat me,
they applied the technique of the bag over my head, I had to do physical
exercise and I suffered humiliations. They put a gun to my head that
went ‘click’ and later they made me touch the pistol.” The journalist
continued recounting the mistreatment he suffered in police custody.
The European
Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg condemned Spain for not
investigating the reports of torture that he had presented. They ruled
that the state had violated Article 3 of the European Convention on
Human Rights (the prohibition of inhumane or degrading treatment or
punishment) and that the Spanish National Court “remained impassive to
the reports”.
It seems to me to be a very interesting
sentence because we needed a legal support from a European authority to
say that Spain hadn’t investigated. We would have like it better for
them to say that we were tortured and that they would have repeated the
trial in an independent court to investigate torture.
After this sentence, do you think there is a possibility for Spain to rectify or reopen the case?
No, Spain won’t do anything. In these
cases what they do is act as if nothing has happened. The government
doesn’t want any commotion, they’ve changed the subject. They’re not
going to fight it or appeal it, they’re not interested in any noise from
the media in these questions.
We’ll have to wait for there to
political changes in the Basque Country and that there they can
investigate cases of torture. If one day we were an independent country
we could begin to investigate these cases, but I don’t have much hope.
How do you frame your case in the situation of political violence that has happened in the Basque Country these last decades?
Our case isn’t the first that has gone
against the media. The newspaper Egin was closed by order of the Spanish
National Court back in July of 1998, violating a fundamental right
which is to have our own media. I’d like to mention that the directors
of that newspaper are still in prison.
We weren’t submitted to the
criminalization that Egin suffered on the part of the Spanish press and
public opinion, which in their case made it harder to create a support
structure. But the fact that Egunkaria was completely in Basque, and
that their directors were people with a great popular exposure in Basque
culture caused for there to be great social opposition. In fact, the
biggest demonstration in the history of Donosti (Gipuzkoa south basque country) was for the
closing of Egunkaria, which caused the whole city to collapse and made
the government reflect. It was a test to see if there would be strength
in the response, and effectively there was. That same day a temporary
newspaper was born and shortly after Berria.
What do you think the objective of the government was when they closed Egunkaria?
It was a warning. A warning to the
population that Spain is something very serious and that you don’t mess
with things like the right to self-determination, which was then being
introduced into the Basque political dictionary as the “Plan Ibarretxe”.
And for you to really believe that we are not going to allow this,
we’re going to give you a scare, we are going to close Egunkaria, which
is the favourite pet of Basque culture, a sensible issue of the cultural
feeling of the Basque Country. And we are not just going to close it;
we are going to arrest the directors, accuse them of being members of
the leadership of ETA and ask for 14 years in prison. Also, we are going
to torture them so that they know not to mess around with Spain.
Let’s talk about torture. The cases that have happened have been momentary excesses on the part of police agents?
Torture is structural and it is a work
method. And that will be demonstrated when they write the black book on
torture, which would be better done by international figures who aren’t
contaminated by the situation. This is the great pending book, which
covers the cases and the responses from the judges and the Home
It is structural as is demonstrated that
Intxaurrondo is the biggest centre for torture in Europe in the last 40
years. We don’t say that, since it’s known that we invent the torture,
the Spanish justice system says it, which has accumulated an infinity of
torture condemnations there. It’s like this up to the point that the
Spanish police, in this case the Guardia Civil, the most honoured for
their fight against ETA, to which they attribute the highest number of
commandos dismantled, has a sentence of 75 years in prison for the
murder of Lasa and Zabala. We are talking about General Galindo.
When they are torturing you and they say
to you “This is the Guardia Civil and forget about all your rights”, as
they said to me, this is a structure, these aren’t momentary excesses.
Torture is efficient for the judges, who tolerate it and out of every
100 cases that they open a great number end up in prison. It’s efficient
for the police, because it demonstrates that they are doing their job
well. And it is efficient for the Home Secretary because it puts arrests
on the table.
Justice that investigates is slower and
more expensive. 80% of the sentences that ETA militants are serving are
sustained only on the base of declarations made in police stations. And I
am not saying that they are innocent of those crimes.
It’s been said that ETA orders
its militants to denounce torture when they are arrested. Have there
been cases of false denunciations?
They talk about a manual that says that,
but no one has ever seen it. We are talking about more than 7,000
Basques tortured since the constitution was approved for political
reasons. I don’t put my hand in the fire for all of them, but I will do
it for a large percentage of them. It’s easier for someone who has been
tortured to be quiet than for someone who hasn’t been tortured to invent
it. I know of cases of people who have been tortured because of the
fear that they have they don’t talk.
More than half of the agents condemned in the Basque Country for torture have been pardoned.
That is why torture is structural,
because it is pardoned. And if later at the last minute they catch you
they pardon you. That’s the case of Galindo who had 75 years in prison
and he only spent 4 years. Rafael Vera (sentenced for financing the GAL)
was set free because he was depressed. Apparently he was the only
Spaniard depressed in prison.
The state doesn’t abandon their minions.
If they don’t have any other recourse they judge them and condemn them,
but later they always can give them a pardon.
Is Spanish society conscious of that?
One part of the out of the parliamentary
left is very conscious and very much in solidarity. I have received
support from many people and we are very satisfied from the support from
many Spaniards.
I understand that the activity of ETA
has been able to function as a sleeping pill for many who have said,
“They asked for it”, but our work is to try to reach even more people
and to convince them that all of this has happened.
Anyway, they torture more non-Basques
than Basques. The tortures of social arrests, people without papers or
immigrants, have been denounced by Amnesty International and the numbers
are scandalous.
This is a political conflict and then it
takes precedence over the political positioning about the positioning
about human rights. I understand that the people think that “they are
killing people and that it what there is”. Many people would vote in
favour of soft torture in referendum. If there is a political conflict
many people are Spaniards instead of democrats. This has also happened
with a great number of the press.
Today do there still occur abuses like you suffered?
It’s more difficult because they aren’t
arresting as many people in this new period since ETA finished their
armed activity. They still arrest people accused of previous attacks but
now they don’t do interrogations as they did before.
How do you evaluate the new time in the Basque Country now that ETA has given up their weapons?
It’s an interesting scenario because in
the Parliament we are going to have representatives of all the political
forces in this country. Two Basque-Spanish forces the PP and the PSE
and two abertzale forces, PNV and EH Bildu. Now we have to see how
Catalonia makes their path and what happens with Scotland.
On the other hand we are waiting on the
solution of the conflict. And in this sense we have three points on the
agenda: the prisoners, the victims and a new agreement that sets out new
norms of political coexistence. I am not talking about reconciliation.
We need a pact signed by the four biggest forces and the social agents
who establish the new pillars of Basque politics and in that they
respect all options whenever they are in a democratic majority.
Before confronting a national
construction like in Catalonia we have to solve the problems on our
agenda. We can’t do that with more than 700 prisoners.
Above political normalization, is reconciliation possible?
Reconciliation is something personal.
You have to respect any option and it shouldn’t have a direct influence
on the political process. I don’t have to reconcile with those who
tortured me.
I think that it is very good that there
are people from ETA who try to get close to the victims and try to
explain how the attacks took place. I also understand why the victims
aren’t willing to listen to them. It is an ethical and personal
question. You have to respect what is done and what isn’t done.
Conclusions of Ikasle Abertzaleak congress
The congress of Ikasle Abertzaleak have finished with important conclusions.
The congress started the past friday in Atarrabia (Nafarroa south basque country) and finished on Saturday. According to Ikasle Abertzaleak, 700 militants have participated in the discuss. In Atarrabia, more than 150 militants represented the different militants groups of basque country and they defined the ways to achieve "Euskal Eskola Nazionala" (Basque National Education System).
The patriarchal capitalist system supported by French and Spanish states must be changed. Our alternative, will focus on the construction of a new social model for Basque country: Fair. The curren system have three big opressions: Capitalism (class struggle), patriarchal (feminism) and national (basque struggle). We want a education system that will help people to be free, critical, "euskaldun" (that they know to speak euskara) etc.
Ikasle Abertzaleak is a leftist, feminist, revolutionary and "euskaldun" organization. Our project must be constructed in the day to day. So, the values and work of the organization must be coherent with our aim. But we also must consider the context where we are to find the necessary "tools" or ways for the change.
The strategy will support the construction of Euskal Eskola Nazionala since now. Three ways have been agreed.
-1. Ekin/ildo iraunkorra: From local struggle we must create real practices to achieve the change. This kind of struggle must be permanent. Construction of alternatives, respond to attacks, create our own contents, use liberating pedagogy, achieve rights etc.
-2. Eraiki/ildo ez iraunkorra: We are fighting for the freedom of Basque Country so our militants must be actives in that struggle: Construction of our nation, the change to a new social model and resolution of basque conflict.
-3. Iraultzailea/barne ildoa: The revolution must be first inner. If we want to be an example for other people, firstly we must achieve the change in our militants. So, to achieve Euskal Eskola Nazionala, our organization must be a revolutionary tool. Feminist, euskaldun, a new organizational model, internationalist and with a powerful ideological struggle.
The next basque organizations were invited to the congress: Sortzen ikasbatuaz (a basque organization that defends public schools), LAB (pro-independence and socialiste union), Abertzale left, Bildu (coalition of pro-independence and leftist political parties, ZUKGUA (the name of the process that is going to create a new basque youth organization), Askapena (internationalist organaziation), Euskal kontseilua (organization that seeks the expansion and protection of Basque language) and Herrira.
Monday, December 17, 2012
The basque political prisoners can not write in Basque in Algeciras
According to naiz, the management of the prison in Algeciras has banned to basque political prisoners to write or receive in basque letters. Only phrases like "Zorionak eta urte berri on" (Happy new year) or "Badator Olentzero" (Olentzero is coming) can be used, the rest of the letter must be written in spanish. Besides, the postcards (5 can be sent) must have only three lines. According to the management of the prison in Algeciras, if they find more than 5 postcards or 3 lines, the letters will not reach their destination.
Moreover, in Portugalete (Bizkaia south basque country) ertzaintza (regional police) have entered in the "herriko taberna" (a pub of Abertzale Left). They took all the photographies of basque political prisoners that are showed in the pub. According to the police, that photographies are defending terrorism. They also identified one ot the workers in the pub.
A new political party: "Euskal Ekintza"

According to the members of Eusko Ekintza, most of their militants are ex-militants of Abertzale Left/EA and anarchists movement. They are against capytalism and they do not accept social democracy as solution. They have also showed their intention of being part of EH Bildu (a pro-independence and leftist coalition of Abertzale left, EA, Alternatiba and Aralar).
They are going to be organized in different areas horizontally. They have proposed a "radical" democracy in their organization. They define themselves as revolutionaries and socialists. They are going to ask the recognition of all the victims of Basque Conflict. They also support the amnesty of all basque political prisoners.
A building squatted in Iruña
According to ateak ireki, a group of young squatted on Saturday an abandoned building in the center of Iruña (Nafarroa south basque country). After a demonstration against cuts and in support of a new social model, the group entered in it and placed banners.
Soon, spanish police and local police appeared but they did not entered in it. On Sunday, there was an assembly to discuss about the project. On night, the building was evicted without any arrest.
In the past, different buildings of Iruña were squatted. The repression led by UPN (unionist right-wing party in Nafarroa) was brutal. Spanish police, local police and foral police (regional police of Nafarroa) use violence against the movement (where there were different militants of Abertzale left, anarchists, ecologist etc.). Hundreds of people were arrested and some of them imprisoned. Besides, dozens of people were also injured by police and the squatted buildings were demolished.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Congress of Ikasle Abertzaleak
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IA logo |
The main basque students organization, Ikasle Abertzaleak, is having a congress in Atarrabia (Nafarroa south basque country). Hundreds of militants have moved to Atarrabia to discuss and decide about different topics as mass struggle, socialism, feminism etc. In previous months, the ideological bases and the strategy of Ikasle Abertzaleak have been discussed. The process started in January 2012 and 200 groups of militants have participated in it.
According to the national bureau of Ikasle Abertzaleak, the participation of all militans have been sought. In the ideological bases, they have analyzed the context and the ideology of Ikasle Abertzaleak. In the strategy, they have discussed about the methods (functions, objetives, relations with other organizations, organization etc.) that are going to be used to achieve the project of "Euskal Eskola Nazionala". After the congress, they are going to participate in a demonstration against cuts in education system in Iruña (Nafarroa south basque country).
Demonstration in support of basque political prisoners in Iruña

The demonstration stopped in front of spanish govern delegation, where Oihana Beloki (a person who suffered a serious accident while going to visit a press) have said that the dispersion of basque political prisoners is very dangerous for their friends and relatives.
In the final of the demonstration, Ana Fernández (sister of Sara Fernandez) have talked. After that, they have made a tribute to the 16 victims of dispersion. They have also called people to participate in the demonstration that is going to be on 12 of January in Bilbo (Bizkaia south basque country).
Friday, December 14, 2012
Treatment of Basque Political Prisoners shows Hypocrisy of European Establishment on Human Rights
Interesting article about basque political prisoners, from:
Iosu Uribetxeberria |
With the passing of the report on the situation of fundamental rights in the EU by the European Parliament, it
committed itself in words to human rights. However, the flagrant
disregard of those rights for Basque political prisoners shows the
hypocrisy of the European establishment. According to Herrira, a
campaigning group for Basque prisoners, there are currently 13 prisoners
kept in prison despite being seriously ill. This is putting these
people’s lives at risk and as depriving them of appropriate medical
treatment and basic human dignity.
was illustrated by the case of Iosu Uribetxeberria, who was finally
released in September, five years after he was first diagnosed with
kidney cancer. Authorities would not grant his release, despite his
prison governor being clear that they did not have the appropriate
facilities to treat him. This has led to serious deterioration in his
health and now the cancer is irreversible.
well as this cruel policy; the policy of extending the terms of
prisoners who are approaching their release date must be ended and all
prisoners should have the right complete their sentences in the prison
closest to their place of residence.
political prisoners should be released as part of real peace process
where the people of the Basque Country should be free to decide their
future democratically. A mass struggle linking the democratic rights of
the Basque people with the need for united struggle of workers across
the Spanish state would lay the basis for a socialist Basque country as
part of a free and voluntary socialist federation of the Iberian
Solidarity with basque political prisoners in Altsasu
Basque internationalists organizations supports Bolivarian revolution
The Basque main internationalists organizations (Askapena and Komite Internazionalistak) have showed their support to Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela. The summarize of the statement:
The president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez Frías, has recognized to his people that he is very ill. At this, he has prepared the political arena in Venezuela to the possibility of his disqualification from being president. We (the basque organizations) want to remark the next ideas:
-We know that Hugo Chavez is key in the revolutionary process of Venezuela. He understands the interests and demands of Venezuelan people. He is also a symbol for the other struggles of South America and all the world.
-We have seen visiting Venezuela, numerous advances in health care, education, social services and people's participation in political system.
-We also know, that Venezuela is fighting for their second and total independence from capitalist system. That is not possible without Venezuelan people support. They have started using selforganization the creation of free spaces. Millions of people are participating in this process (in factories, neighbourhoods, community councils etc.). They have faced to the attempts of USA and European imperialism of deactivating revolution.
So, we want to support Hugo Chaves in his fight against the illness and show our solidarity with Venezuelan people. Bolivivarian struggle is also our struggle.
Next organizations also support this statement: Ecuador etxea, Elkartzen, Ikasle Abertzaleak, Euskadi-Cuba, LAB, Mumiaren lagunak, Sare antifaxista etc.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Acquitted 6 young militants
According to naiz, 6 young basque militants have been acquitted in "Audencia Nacional". They were accused of being members of Segi (a basque young revolutionary organization that supports socialism and independence). Asier Olano, Ekhi Oñate, Iñigo Alzelai, Aitzol Arrieta, Egoitz Balerdi and Jon Ezeiza were arrested on 2009. After being arrested, they suffered torture during the period of isolation. The other four arrested in the same police operation were acquitted previously.
Hundreds of workers protest in front of Euskadi parliament
Hundreds of workers, that are going to be fired, protested yesterday in front of Euskadi parliament in Gasteiz (Araba south basque country). The have defended their right to have a job and protested because of its precarious situation. There have been moments of tension with Ertzaintza (basque regional police). They fired flares and firecrackers. They have been supported by the basque trade union LAB (socialist and pro-independence).
Iñigo Urkullu president of Euskadi
Iñigo Urkullu |
After the elections in Euskadi (Gipuzkoa, Bizkaia and Araba), Iñigo Urkullu (EAJ/PNV) has been elected president. The parliament of the Basque Country is one of the three administrations in which the Basque country is divided.
It has 75 parliamentarians and after the elections in 2012 these were the results:
-EAJ/PNV (right-wing nationalists): 27
-EH Bildu (pro-independence and leftist coalition): 21
-PSE-PSOE (Spanish liberal progresists): 16
-PP (right-wing spanish nationalits): 10
-UPyD (liberal spanish unionists): 1
Two candidates have applied to preside Euskadi: Laura Mintegi of EH Bildu and Iñigo Urkullu of EAJ/PNV
EH Bildu have voted to Laura Mintegi, EAJ/PNV to Iñigo Urkullu and the other political parties have abstained.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
"The Basque Country is not for sale" new direct action
The gendarmerie counter-terrorism section is going to investigate the action. In recent months, different golf courses and speculative companies have been attacked in Iparralde (north basque country). In the past, there have been similar actions in Iparralde claimed by groups like Irrintzi.
"Gazte danbada" party
According to topatu, a new basque young revolutionary organization is going to be founded on 2013.
The 29, 30, 31 of March and 1 of April is going to be celebrated the "Gazte Danbada" festival after the presentation of the new youth organization.
Nowadays, more than 200 towns have participated in the "ZukGua" process. In this process, different topics (basque history, socialism, how organize etc.) are discussed by youth. After the last discuss (next 2013) the new youth organization is going to be created.
According to naiz, more than 2.000 young are participating in the discussions. The previous basque young revolutionary organization, Segi, was dissolved on 2012.
They have also displayed the official song of "Gazte Danbada"
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