Thursday, November 15, 2012

General strike (spanish trade unions)

According to different basque and spanish media, tens of thousands of people have supported different protests yesterday in south basque country. Spanish trade unions (CC.OO-UGT), basque little trade unions (ESK, Solidari etc.), anarchists trade unions (CGT and CNT), different social organizations ("Asamblea libertaria", "herri ekimena" etc.) and political parties (PSOE, IU, Amaiur, Bildu, EH Bildu, Abertzale left etc.) called yesterday to a general strike or protests. Main basque trade unions (ELA and LAB) did not support the general strike but yes some protests.

The strike in works have been minor than the last general strike (called by basque trade unions ELA/LAB and anarchists). In Nafarroa has been more successful than in Bizkaia/Gipuzkoa/Araba. Although, tens of thousands have protested in the streets. 

CC.OO and UGT called the general strike to protests against spanish government social cuts. CNT, CGT, ESK, social organizations, LAB and Abertzale left have asked a different social/economical model for south basque country. There have been less police than last general strike. There were no incidents (some molotov coctels against a company in Nafarroa and banks in Bizkaia) and there was only 1 arrested.

There were also different demonstrations and protests in Europe (Paisos Catalans, Portugal, Italy etc.).

Some photos:

Iruña (anarchists and social organizations)

Iruña (anarchists sticker)

Social organizations
Bilbo (CC.OO and UGT)

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