Pro-independence and leftist basque political parties have signed an agreement. Ezker abertzalea (basque pro-independence and socialist political partie), EA (basque pro-independence, social-democratic and escision of PNV), Alternatiba (leftist, pro-self-determination and escision of spanish IU), Aralar (pro-independence and escision of Ezker Abertzalea and AB (basque pro-independence and socialist). This agreement includes 5 points and will be fighted in all Euskal Herria:
1. Social and political rights for Euskal Herria
2. A new economic alternative
3. Euskera (basque language) official in all Euskal Herria.
4. Build Euskal Herria as a nation
5. Self-determination for Euskal Herria
Spanish army had provoked again basque country. They occupied Elgeta in the 75 anniversary of the conquest of spanish fascist army in civil war. The town hall and people dennounced this new provocation.
The accident |
Basque political disperssion caused another accident. A basque political prisoner was beated this week in a spanish prison.
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