Amnesty International dennounced serius police misconduct in their fight against Basque insurgency. Salil Shetty had talked with the main political partys of Spain (PSOE-PP-IU) and he dennounced that spanish state is banning political partys that refuses using violence: Sortu (new left-abertzale (pro-independence) linked with Herri Batasuna). He also had criticized spanish goverment inmobility with the new situation in the Basque Country.
Etxerat (Basque political prisoners families association) had talked for first time in Nafarroa's parlament about basque prisoners situation. UPN and PP (spanish right-wing) had not been in the parlament. IU and PSOE said that political prisoners do not exist in the basque country.
Action of worker in front of BBVA (Basque bank) |
Basque organizations are preparing for the general strike. In this weeks, workers union are making actions and protests. In Nafarroa they are occuping strategic places for example.
Ikasle Abertzaleak (union of basque pro-independence and leftist students) had cut some roads in Iruña. "Policia Foral" (Nafarroa's autonnomous police) had attacked them.
Student's protesting |
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