Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Josu Uritxeberria, ertzaintza attacks people in Andoain and 11 arrested in Pau

Josu Uritxeberria left hospital yesterday. Josu Uritxeberria was a basque political prisoner that suffers from a terminal cancer. According to spanish law, he had the right of being his last days in his house, but government did not free him. He started a hunger strike and hundreds of basque prisoners supported him starting also a hunger strike. Finally, spanish court accepted to translate Josu Uribetxeberria to a basque hospital. Yesterday, doctors said that they can not do more for him and allowed him going to his house with his family.

According to naiz, Ertzaintza (basque autonomous police) attacked yesterday people in Andoain (Gipuzkoa south basque country). They were waiting to Urtzi Azpirozi (a basque political prisoner who was recently released) when Ertzaintza appeared. One youth was moved to the hospital after receiving blows on the head. Besides, Ertzaintza threatened Urtzi and his girlfriend.

A militant of Bizi! arrested
"Bizi!" (a basque ecologist movement) organized the past week an action against the High-speed train. They displayed banners rappelling in Pau against High-speed train (where french government dominates north basque country). 11 militants of "Bizi!" were arrested by french police.

High-speed train was a project that according to Abertzale left and ecologist movement, is going to degrade basque country environment and waste public money.

Iosu Uritxeberria video (leaving the hospital):

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