Saturday, June 2, 2012

Basque Political Prisoners, ETA and strike

Basque political prisoners have informed the basque people about their reflection. They support the decision of ETA, they say that armed struggle have finished. They also support "Ezker Abertzalea" (pro-independence and socialist) new strategy and they recognize the pain created by basque conflict. In a direct message to spanish and french states, they say that their plans will fail and that they must dialogue with basque political prisoners.

The basque political prisoners group consists in hundreds of (more than 600) of basques that are imprisoned mainly in french and spanish states. They are members of diferent organizations, political parties etc: ETA, Segi, Batasuna, Ekin, Udalbiltza, Egin etc.

The two members of ETA arrested this week are imprisoned in French state. They are accused of being ETA members, having guns and explosives and falsifying documentation. According to french police, Gurrutxaga is not the leader of ETA military structure (Spanish authorities said that he is the leader of military structure  in their propaganda strategy) and that ETA maintains all its military potential.

EE.UU is not going to remove ETA of their terrorist organizations list. But they are going to study this possibility next year (2013). ETA declared a ceasefire on 2010 and on 2011they said that they are not going to use again arms.

According to basque trade unions (ELA, LAB etc.), the last strike in Nafarroa was a success.  Thousands of people protested against cuts in public administrations. "Ikasle Abertzaleak" (basque students union) supported these demonstrations. Students, teachers, workers etc. participated in all demonstrations of Nafarroa.

Foral and spanish police atacked some young when they were protesting in Iruña. Helicopters and a lot of police was used in this strike in public administrations.

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