Friday, April 13, 2012

Basque political prisoners and police violence

New speakers
Basque political prisoners colective have elected the new speakers that will speak with Spanish and French states. Some of them were important members of ETA direction in the past. According to their opinion, amnesty and self-determination right will be essential to solve Basque Conflict. Spanish and French states have blocked prisoners theme. 
Basque political prisoners colective is now in a discussion about the new situation created in Euskal Herria (basque country) and they are looking for solutions but they are sure that solve will be colective and not individual (spanish state with french state support wants an individual process). Conclusions will be published next months.

In one of the demonstrations in support of Iñigo Cabacas, Ertzaintza have identified some people and beated them with batons.

Foral police (Nafarroa) have arrested one youth in Lizarra (Nafarroa). He is accusated of participating in riots that happened in the last general strike. In Lizarra, controls of Foral police and guardia civil (spanish militar police) were increasing.

Youth movement in Antsoain (Nafarroa) had occupied an empty building. They were asking a Gaztetxe (self-managed young-home). Soon they were evicted by police and some roads of Antsoain have been cut by spanish police.

Spanish Police in Antsoain

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