Different workers unions and social organizations have decided to call a general strike the next 30 of May. According to them, the new laws and reforms of different governments are creating unemployment, giving power/money to rich and
impoverishing people. Besides, they destroy public services and people's social rights. That reforms are being imposed "undemocratically".
"For that reasons, we ask a radical change on public policy priorities". "We ask to the institutions (basque institutions) to not apply state imposed measures".
They have also asked universal public services, decent employment, social services etc. They are writting a document called "Letter of Social Rights of Basque Country". According to them, the general strike is the first step to join forces of basque people and creating a new model for Basque Counstry based on the respect of social rights, social justice and labor rights.
Workers unions:
ELA (the biggest worker union of south basque country), LAB (pro-independence and socialist), CNT (anarchists), ESK (split of spanish CCOO), STEE-EILAS (teachers of south basque country), EHNE (farmers and ranchers of basque country) and HIRU (transporters).
Social organizations:
Ikasle Abertaleak (students union, pro-independence and leftist), Bilgune Feminista (feminists), Askapena (internalionalist organization), assembly of unemployed of Bizkaia/Gipuzkoa, Renta Basica Universal taldea, Sare Antifaxista (antifascist of basque country), SOS Racismo-SOS Arrazakeria (association against racism), assembly of unemployed of Iruña, AHT Gelditu etc.