Demonstration in support of one of the arrested |
According to
naiz,six members of ETA were arrested yesterday in different places of french state. The "Guardia Civil" (spanish military police) have collaborated with french forces in the arrests. The arrested are:
Raul Aduna, Andoni Goikoetxea, Igor Uriarte, Ekhiñe Eizagirre, Julen Mendizabal and Kepa Arkauz.
The french interior minister, Manuel Valls, was delighted with the policial operation. According to Manuel Valls, the north basque country is not more a logistics and military base for ETA members. He also said that the collaboration between french and spanish police will continue until the dissolution of ETA.
The spanish interior minister, Jorge Fernandez Diez, said that they have dismantled the main logistic structure of ETA. He also threatened ETA "Or ETA dissolves, or we will reduce them to an acronym like GRAPO".